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Thread: Political map of Glemgres continent

  1. #1
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected kemachi's Avatar
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    Mar 2014

    Map Political map of Glemgres continent


    I just finished map of my fictional fantasy continent Glemgres. It is based on a map I posted almost a year ago, recreated in Inkscape with much more detail and simpler style.


    WIP thread.

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Looking good for a vector map! You've managed to include a huge amount of information and most of it's very clear and readable, and I like the shields down the right side a lot. I'm a huge fan of Inkscape and you make me want to have a go at creating a map in Inkscape myself

    My tiniest of quibbles is with the very bottom label of Larhia. I understand you're indicating direction and it fits with your north, west and east labels (which are easier to read), but still ... upside down! Ultimately a map's supposed to give information and it's really difficult to read this particular label. But apart from that, I like what you've done a lot.

  3. #3
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    This has a nice overall layout with pleasing colors and a clean design. There were three points that caught me, however.
    Having two countries separate in their own little box is, not a problem but, sort of confusing; I'm not sure if they're special or if you just ran out of space on the right.
    I was going to mention the upside down labels (Larhia at the bottom and South on the compass) but ChickPea already did, so I'll just nod in agreement.
    And, I know there's limited space to work in but I think that the writing, while interesting, could be strengthened with some editing.
    Oh, and one other tiny thing: I just noticed a city with no name (perhaps intentional?) to the east of the Kihrarian Desert, south of Kabash.

    I don't usually go for vector art, but this is a very lovely piece of work and the longer I look at it I find more details to love (like your beautifully varied landforms, coastlines and rivers which feel natural and believable). Nice job!
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  4. #4
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected kemachi's Avatar
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    My tiniest of quibbles is with the very bottom label of Larhia
    Yeah, I tried to turn it around, but it looked a little bit off, so I went with upside-down.

    Having two countries separate in their own little box is, not a problem but, sort of confusing; I'm not sure if they're special or if you just ran out of space on the right.
    I ran out of space, I miscounted countries when creating, but thankfully I had that space on the left and I actually like that, There was just blank space anyway so why not use it. I like that tiny bit of assymetry.

    I just noticed a city with no name
    Good eyes, it was indeed unintentional and I don't know how that slipped through as there was uneven number of objects in the layer indicating this, yet I remember it was OK when finalizing cities.

  5. #5


    I'm taking hints from this map on how to many my own political borders map, hehe.

  6. #6
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
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    Kelowna, BC, Canada


    Love this soooo much. Clear and remarkably concise for how much information you have included. Can't say I have ever used Inkscape but this is a glowing endorsement. I will give it a try. Funny, maybe its my D&D character talking but when I saw the Ruins of Black City in the Cursed Forest, I thought, "I want to go to there".

    Great work!
    If you play Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder head over to my Patreon and download some free adventures and encounters HERE

  7. #7
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected kemachi's Avatar
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    Mar 2014


    You know, Cursed Forest is called Cursed for a reason.

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