Thanks all you guys !

Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
I really like this one Max, it's a different sort of map that you don't see every day.
Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
Nice work Max. Really like the canyon. Whole map is nice.
I'm working on similar style canyon/stone overview stuff. I like how it came out.)
Yes I was planning to make a next larger map in this style with a city instead a small settlement but you know, a lot of projects, ideas...

Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
This is a beautiful piece of art!

I have a minor question about the border. When I look at the top of the map, the border looks inset, because of the dark highlight at the top, and lighter highlight at the bottom. However, when I go down to the bottom of the map, it's opposite so it looks outset. Is that deliberate?
Actually I just notice it now you're talking about it. I idn't want to make some inset/outset effect but I realize that ith the light border and the dark norder, this brings this kind of effect to the eyes.