Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
is that the Adobe Photoshop open? raster

if so use a different format to transfer from Photoshop to gimp

it was meant as a replacement of the very closed source psd and the gimp devs have to REVERSE ENGINEER psd

try using the Krita editor

the OLD gimp2.6 needed a external plugin
2.8 has it built in , but just basics
The ora i'm talking about is the open raster archive. I've thought about another format but the .ora alows me to open the image with layers. Frankly i'm nont that up to date on image formats, save for png.

I use krita right now then transfer to gimp for touchups and all path work, Krita has a 72 px path bug so the paths show up way to big.

See the thing I don't understand is the map for my continent is 110mb, 12000x6000 at 300ppi with 10 layers and (I tried 600ppi but it's a little too much) I can export it to .ora and open it in GIMP, the load is a little slow but it gets there and everything works. my other map, is 2.4 mb 12000X12000 at 300 and I can only open the .ora file if I have 2 or less layers, GIMP just keeps loading and loading for 30 min to an hour.