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Thread: Mountains -> Swamp -> River Question

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  1. #1


    @chick - I agree, and my point was an "exception", however Alakai isn't in the caldera, rather away from the caldera to one side. Mount Wai'ale'ale, the volcano in question has a dome, but the upper portion is very flat and only drops in elevation several miles from the caldera dropping into the sea or the lower beach areas. It is certainly unsually topography.
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  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer TK.'s Avatar
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    Jan 2015


    Sorry for somewhat off-topic question...were the mountains drop-ready (like click the mountains "brush" and just put it around the map) in CC3? I also loved them and would like to know how to create similar effect in my maps!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by TK. View Post
    Sorry for somewhat off-topic question...were the mountains drop-ready (like click the mountains "brush" and just put it around the map) in CC3? I also loved them and would like to know how to create similar effect in my maps!
    Hi, thanks for the interest. Please let me know if I am not answering your questions correctly. The mountains were part of one of CC3s annuals, CA 51 to be specific. I believe those are called Jon Roberts Overland symbol set. They default to a smaller scale, but I grabbed them, scaled them up (thought they looked pretty cool) and just placed them.

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer TK.'s Avatar
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    Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by seycyrus View Post
    Hi, thanks for the interest. Please let me know if I am not answering your questions correctly. The mountains were part of one of CC3s annuals, CA 51 to be specific. I believe those are called Jon Roberts Overland symbol set. They default to a smaller scale, but I grabbed them, scaled them up (thought they looked pretty cool) and just placed them.
    AFAIK the annuals are "addons"/packs you can get to CC3, containing styles/art, right? you have any idea if they can be used with photoshop/GIMP? I did like em a lot, and would be neat if I could buy the annual and use it outside CC3!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by TK. View Post
    AFAIK the annuals are "addons"/packs you can get to CC3, containing styles/art, right? you have any idea if they can be used with photoshop/GIMP? I did like em a lot, and would be neat if I could buy the annual and use it outside CC3!
    Yes, I access the annual from within CC3. I do not know how to break the symbols out into individual files. Maybe profantasy could help you out?

  6. #6
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TK. View Post
    would be neat if I could buy the annual and use it outside CC3!
    The symbols are separate PNG files in the CC3 file structure. However, I'm rather certain that it's not possible to install the annuals if CC3 itself hasn't been installed. One also cannot buy single packages but must buy an entire year at a time.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  7. #7


    I think the mountains in the 'South East' quadrant are the least believable. Although they could be fine if they represent a series of hillocks instead of towering mountain ranges. Then the 'split' of the river becomes more of a swamp boundary instead of two rivers.

  8. #8


    Over the Easter weekend I had time to partake in some research and I have found clear evidence of where sharp mountains do in fact deposit into a swamp! *wink*

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