The planet view is really excellent. Good colors.
I'm proud to present this map today. For anyone who has been following along, I've been focusing on the ocean and finding some kind of blending that works for me. Consider it done. I added some "grungy" texturing and more Photoshop magic and got the following result. I also touched up some coloring in some areas to add some subtle variations. The first image here is just the map image. The second image is the map with a border and "cartouche" and I added a canvas texture to give it a subtle "painted on canvas" look. I'm not sure if you can see all of the detail on the lower res version I had to upload here. Today I'm going to get some posters printed to see how the color and detail looks.
Comments, feedback, tips, praise... all are welcome. Enjoy!
Cart_Guild_WIP_10.jpg Cart_Guild_WIP_11.jpg
The planet view is really excellent. Good colors.
Thank you Ilanthar! I took it to a printer yesterday and got 2 copies printed (something like 36 x 19 ish) to see how it looks on paper and I was pleasantly surprised. One of my computer screens makes things look so dark, and the other screen makes things look too bright/light colored, so I've been kinda nervous about how it would turn out. I'm glad to hear that it looks good from a Guild Expert! Thank you for taking the time to comment.
I thought I should make at least some kind of progress post even though I haven't made it very far since my last post. This week has been extra busy and I haven't had much time to work on the fun stuff
Anyway, I'm still working on the World level for this map right now (although after this post I'm going to start work on a more detailed region). The last version I posted was an Equirectangular or Cylindrical Equidistant (and technically Plate Carree) map projection. Today I'm posting an Equal Area Azimuthal projection developed by Karlheinz Wagner in 1949 (commonly called Wagner VII). This projection (or similar variations) are often used for today's world maps.
The border and background are not necessarily what I'm going with right now. I was just piecing together a basic look for now.
Comments and feedback are very welcome...
That's very attractive, will be nice to see it when you are done![]()
The globes and the projection turned out very nicely. I like the sea floor texture that you are using. The background of the frame however appears blurry and out of focus. I'd recommend going with a large high-res texture.
Colors looks nice. I don't know what software you use but I would recommend tracing graticules and frames with a path tool then apply a stroke. At the moment it looks very pixellated.
@ chick Thanks man! A skill I'm still working on is how to be "done"I'll know it when I see it...
@ arsheesh Thanks! I liked the detail that the FT/Wilbur work gives me on the sea floor as well as the land, but it needed to be blended more for the look I was going for. So I spent a good deal of time on various blending techniques, really just trying one thing after another, until I got a look that still showed some of the awesome detail from FT/Wilbur, but also leaned towards a more "painted" look. Also, some of my friends commented that the transition from shallow water to deep water didn't transition well, so I listened. As for the border and stuff on the latest post, I'm aware it is blurry. As I mentioned in my last post, the background and border are just temporary filler at this point, just for basic layout and design purposes.
Folks, I REALLY appreciate the feedback. Please, anyone who visits this thread, all comments are welcome. I have a pretty thick skin, so don't pull any punches!I may not agree with all feedback given, but I try to consider everything...
I like your color/ style on the oceans. Nice job.
Webmaster and head designer of The World of Farland: A World conquered by evil and ruled by the Lords of Sin.
The current graticule was made in Fractal Terrains 3. I agree it does look pixellated in this version. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
I will definitely take your advice on this one and work on the graticule more. What do you mean by a path tool? Like the dreaded "pen" tool in Photoshop/Illustrator?
Graticule suggestions anyone??? I'm all ears!
I would like to make one that I can manipulate separately from the rest of the map if possible. In Fractal Terrains you have the option of adding various graticules and I can show and hide whichever ones I need for whatever projection. They aren't necessarily the best graphic quality however.