A fine, little map!
Fellow cartographers,
the last days i was working on a map for a pen-and-paper setting in the world of "The Dark Eye". It depicts the contested barony of Teab on the island of Maraskan, where the exiled Dschunkar Perjin of Mahanobab claims the title of the Baruun Kalurajin "the patient one". The old Baruun is incapable of ruling his lands, due to a trauma, caused by the demons in the north some years ago. So his quarreling children have to take up the fight against the sinister Perjin, who brought bloodthirsty mercenaries to the once peaceful province of Teab to force his claim...
I experimented the first time with a more "artistic" approach. I drew the mountains by hand (mouse) and learned a whole lot about light and shadows etc. In the end they looked a bit "comicesque" to me and i tried to underline this with the tree(s), the font for the labelling and the style of the building icons.
I would love to hear your thoughts and critique on this.
A fine, little map!
Great map.
I personally liked it.
I'm missing roads on the map and scale to know how distant are the houses (or whose houses or cities?)
and stick in a couple of bridges, too
Nice job!!
Thanks Link Tree and Chick!
The small houses depict small villages. The only real city is Mahanobab .
Because its a map for a rpg-scenario, i decided against a scale, mainly because as a GM, i prefer not waste hours in discussing the travel-times with the players, and scales on maps are usually leading to these habits . It's roughly a one day travel from Mahanobab to Ka' Gablajin. An ambitious person might even arrive in Gablajin. In the mountains ofc you won't come as far...
There "are" roads in the barony, but mostly only "paths" in a bad condition. Also bridges or fords. I decided to leave them away, since it sometimes gives the impression, that its a nice "roman road" and i also didn't wanted to give the (strategically important) informations beforehand.
Maybe i'll upload a version with roads and bridges (and scale) someday.