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Thread: completed maps for my campaign of various locales

  1. #1

    Default completed maps for my campaign of various locales

    I created a number of maps since my last posting here for my d&d group. some are rushed while some i have spent alot of hours on.

    I will share them here for all to use, though it will be of alittle lower quality due to the upload size restrictions on this site, so if a higher quality image is requested i can probably sort it out somehow.

    Hope you guys like them and feel free to add feedback if there is anything in particular that should be improved.

    All of my maps are made specifically for my campaign and they are made for the purpose of filling them up with furniture and other such effects afterwards. my party likes to break kegs and flip tables so there is no point making them on the map itself hehe.

    Both of these maps are part of a dungeon which was used by the servants and followers of Jergal. the gauntlet contains a series of tests, traps and challenges which requires strength, intellect and cunning.

    It is all made to protect the reliquary and tomb of the high priest of Jergal.


    Crypt of Jergal.png

  2. #2


    This map is one of my largest project. i knew i would need it several weeks in advance so i got to spend alot of time on it. this is my first experiment on trying to make debth in components of my map, which i barely succeeded at hehe. As you can see it has some stairs, a ledge and some slopes on the outside. to be honest this map could probably be better without it, but without trying i wont succeed at all so i decided to keep it in.

    This map is a natural cave with many rooms and segments currently occupied by a decently sized clan of lizardmen. They use the waterpools to travel quickly and lay devastating ambushes due to natural tunnels formed connecting the ponds.

    This cave also holds a large stone slab imprinted with symbols and carved. in my campaign atleast it was part of a lock and key puzzle where it would crack open upon solving, revealing a stair case leading downwards for another attempt at me to kill the players >.

    This image of the map does not do it justice. the original map is huge at 4096x6144. so big i went into making this map thinking that i would make a 2x3 grid of 2048x2048 maps. the original psd file ended at 250mb i think. even the png is well above what this site will accept, but you can get the gist of the map without zooming too much i hope hehe.

    Caratrean Stronghold.png
    Last edited by Leondias; 03-21-2015 at 12:45 AM.

  3. #3


    These maps are a bit wierd, i believe the word alien was used when we were playing the session using these maps.

    This first map is an ancient structure far below the surface containing magical torrents making the casting of complex incantations very difficult. This map was extremely specific for my campaign, but if anyone can find a use for it then im happy ^^. I can say though that both these maps didnt take me very long and i was kind of rushed for time.

    For those who do not like the extremely dark floor of this map i can understand. i wanted to capture that this place is foreign to the adventurers and that this rock or rooms in general make them feel sick as if it was from another world all together. in this case that world is shadowfell. This structure was for me made to be a prison so the adventurers would accidentally release someone pretty evil.

    For anyone wondering why it is so disconnected its because it involves portals and teleportation. the first area is a puzzle where each symbol refers to each of the six primary attributes. when people do clever things like detect magic and look upon the symbols they get vague descriptions that pertains to their character. for example wisdom they might see a image of a old and wise man they see for example. Within each of the 5 rooms they would then be separated and challenged with something that would challenge the symbol they stood upon.


    This map was made very quickly. i think it turned out alright despite it being very simple.

    This is my little piece of shadowfell. i decided that having a dark grey/black floor on a dark/grey backround would be very boring so i added in some color and it turned out fairly pretty.

    Last edited by Leondias; 03-21-2015 at 12:48 AM.

  4. #4


    Thanks for these. Nice job. My only change would be a bigger contrast between the walls and floor of your cave.
    Webmaster and head designer of The World of Farland: A World conquered by evil and ruled by the Lords of Sin.

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