Thanks a lot Sanderling, a city map is always a long run.

By Sanderling
How did you decide on the placement of individual guilds, villas, palaces, etc.? I'd be very interested to know how you developed the layout, which clearly has a lot of thought involved.
The city has its own story and development (I wrote a bit about it in the WIP). At first, it was only Tamar and the Citadel, then a bigger city with Adrius and part of other Wards. Finally, nowadays.
A lot of Villas and Palaces are placed accordingly to their owner. For instance, the Great Palace of Ashurdan is owned by Tharkish nobles, and therefore, it's positionned in the north part of the city, close to the north road of Amillius (The Tarkish Empire being north of the Kingdom of Aquilonia).

Also, on your key to locations, please note #4, "City COuncil," and #27, "Gunder CHief's Villa
Thanks for pointing those typos!