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Thread: Nova totios Nordeskiae descriptio - a regional map

  1. #1
    Guild Member MstrWelf's Avatar
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    Wip Nova totios Nordeskiae descriptio - a regional map

    I needed to do something different and I am working currently on a regional map. I saw some fantastic examples and also this great tutorial. So I started working and that's where I am now and I'm not really happy Brushes and patterns are all self-made but they don't match it seems and I guess everything together is a bit overpowering too *sigh* Nothing is set in stone though and I'd like to hear your opinion and positive criticism.
    Nova totios Nordeskiae descriptio

  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    It definitely has the feel of an antique Spanish or Portuguese map, so you're going in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.

    I think the main flaws here are 1) your icons/brushes and coastlines are too sharp - perhaps add a slight blur to soften them up a bit?
    2) Your mountains and hills are 'hollow core' as opposed to the 'filled core' cities and trees. You might add some color to the mountains to even out the appearance of all the elements.
    3) That wasteland or desert in the middle has icons that seem far to uniformly spaced and identical in appearance. That applies in other areas as well, but it's really noticeable and jarring there.

    Overall, I really like the feel of this map - it's got style. Keep working with it!

  3. #3
    Guild Member MstrWelf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
    It definitely has the feel of an antique Spanish or Portuguese map, so you're going in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.

    I think the main flaws here are 1) your icons/brushes and coastlines are too sharp - perhaps add a slight blur to soften them up a bit?
    2) Your mountains and hills are 'hollow core' as opposed to the 'filled core' cities and trees. You might add some color to the mountains to even out the appearance of all the elements.
    3) That wasteland or desert in the middle has icons that seem far to uniformly spaced and identical in appearance. That applies in other areas as well, but it's really noticeable and jarring there.

    Overall, I really like the feel of this map - it's got style. Keep working with it!
    Thank you Diamond for taking the time and having a closer look at my attempt of a regional map! You found words for problems I only felt.
    A problem with the patterns is that I didn't draw them the same scale and I will redo part of them and at the same time make trees/cities also 'hollow core' as you call it. I think I'll wait with color towards the end and check how it looks. And then there is the 'steppe" dead center on the map... you hit the nail on the head with your comment!
    I guess I have staked out my work for the next days. Wouldn't know what else to do with my time, right?

  4. #4
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MstrWelf View Post
    I guess I have staked out my work for the next days. Wouldn't know what else to do with my time, right?
    If you could be working on a map, why would you do anything else?

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    If you're using Photoshop (likely GIMP too) and the patterns are a layer style, you can scale them a bit. As Arsheesh suggested, defiinitely add a fill to the mountains and hills so the background doesn't show through. I also think that the mountains and hills are a nice chunky line art style, while the trees and settlement icons are painted. It might be worth choosing one or the other. You may find though, that if you fill in the transparent hills and mountains that you solve this slight variation. Depending on the software you're using, is it possible to vary the scale of the trees slightly, so that you get some variation in that pattern? It looks like you're already attending to this by changing their brightness and spacing, but some slight variations in scale could do good things. Also I might suggest bringing down the size of the trees overall, just a bit. Your border also looks good but suffers from the same transparency issue as the hills/mountains; I can see things through it and I think it would look better solid.

    Now, I've said a lot of things that could be construed as negative. Please don't take it that way, I really like this map a lot. My suggestions are just my opinion on what might improve an already great start.

    Also, I've saved the gushing to the end. There is a thing you did that is sort of really simple but also amazing. Your ruin icons, you can see right through the windows! I don't know why, but that totally makes those work for me; it makes them look hollow and abandoned. I don't know that I've ever seen that done before,* and I will definitely give it a try at some point. Thanks for the inspiration!

    *my apologies to anyone else who may have done this and I never noticed . But it's really, really cool MstrWelf.


  6. #6
    Guild Member MstrWelf's Avatar
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    Thx Meshon that you took the time for your criticism and don't you worry, I don't take it negative, in contrary it gives me a point where to start but! I was rather going all line art than rather fill in hills and mountains.... hmmm gotta think again.
    I will take everything in consideration and stay tuned, I'll show you an updated version soon.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MstrWelf View Post
    I was rather going all line art than rather fill in hills and mountains
    I think all line art would look great, it just seems like there's a few spots in the hills and mountains where your background shows through them and it's a bit distracting for me. You could clear that up and keep the line art, it looks good.

    As long as you can keep those awesome hollow windows in your ruins! I feel like that's a great bit of innovation!


  8. #8
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    I really like the colours and textured feel that you have, but I have to echo the comments about the repeating patterns. If you can pull off line art for all your elements, I think it'll look amazing.

  9. #9
    Guild Member MstrWelf's Avatar
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    I tried some of your ideas still on the 'original' map and wonder if that is what you had in mind?

    nordesken_4-19-15 cutout.jpg

    And then a question on Meshon: You write
    ...the patterns are a layer style, you can scale them a bit
    Can I ask how exactly you mean that? I either stamp an area with a pattern or mask an area and fill it with a pattern, am I missing something? Hope I don't sound like a troglodyte now LOL.

    One last remark here! I will continue this thread as a new entry in this months lite challenge as "everything goes" or "Map What You Want To" there....
    Thank you for your help so far.

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