Ah, thanks for pointing that our MstrWelf, and thanks for the rep!
One day the 7th son of a 7th son will come and free Clichéa but then, how would the map look after the land is freed? Now that would be boring and there would be no more stories of bravery and heroes fighting.....
Beautiful work Sarithus but probably you still want to edit the text and fix "... the land nknown now as Clichéa ..." (bottom line)
Ah, thanks for pointing that our MstrWelf, and thanks for the rep!
"has" should be "have" in the narrative.
This looks fantastic.
“When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden
* Rivengard * My Finished Maps * My Challenge Maps * My deviantArt
A very nice job!!
While we're all on the subject of typos, the apostrophe in Dragon Tail Island's is incorrect.
Island's is a possessive, such as "... the island's shorelines..."
Islands is a plural, as in "... there are 12 islands in the chain..."
Thanks, Chick. I wonder if I'll ever upload the final version free of typos. That must have slipped in there as it's 'islands' on the very first version. At least that gave me a reason to go back and add my new signature. With that and the removal of an apostrophe, it's like a whole new map.
Map of Clichea final.jpg
My Battlemaps Gallery http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=3407
Vikingheim seems surprisingly inland. I think I liked it better when the Wall and the Breech were labeled separately. All the little icons are looking good; maybe extend a pier out from Harbour Town to make it more distinctive. If it isn't too difficult at this point, you might also want to build up Kazzakrad a bit; it isn't distinctively largest and on this map I think you'd want to go for exaggerated height. Maybe crossed swords or axes marking the Battle Plain? Or a pile of skulls? Put some storm clouds over Storm Bay? Well, it's fine to go as it is, but if you want to keep tweaking it, those are the things I think could be improvements.
I think having the Chosen One defeat the Dark Lord is entirely appropriate. Having forced the land into cliched form, the Dark Lord cannot possibly defeat a naive farm boy who is the 7th son of a 7th son. Which also makes it a classic case of Evil creating its own destruction!
Thanks for the input, rdanhenry. My thoughts on Vikingheim is that people tend to put Norse names and cultures in the north. However I do agree that the coasts wouldn't be a bad idea, I just don't know where it'd fit, and I think where it is now fills a gap. They can't get to their longships, but they're closer to the Ice Gaints. ;P
I might do some more tweaking.
I'm not going to call this the final FINAL one just incase I have to make yet another post saying the same thing, but this pretty much is now. Cheers!
### Winner ###
Last edited by ChickPea; 09-16-2018 at 04:51 PM. Reason: Added Winner tag
WOW! I downloaded your process and then viewed them as a slide show, moving back and forth to see the details and advancements from each phase. Very inspiring, and lots of work! How many hours did this take, if you don't mind me asking? Love Mt. Death, the mountains, the color gradient palette, the landmarks, the scar, and almost everything about it. Great job. Your Mountains are incredible. Only thing I don't care for - the beveled landmasses, seem a little hard compared to everything else. Oh yeah, the Maelstrom is cool too. Thanks for the inspiration. Great job!!!