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Thread: Cafealdon (WIP)

  1. #1

    Wip Cafealdon (WIP)

    By way of introduction I thought I'd share a map I've been working on for the last couple of week on and off.
    It started off with following the Fastest Town in the West tutorial on here, and quickly got out of hand
    I'm learning as I go along, thanks to the tutorials and tips here, so I would welcome comments and suggestions.
    cafealdon small.jpg

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Domino44's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Looks really good so far! I really like the layout of your city and surrounding areas. I would say the smallest text is very difficult to read, in the upper left corner the the river seems unfinished I'm assuming your still working on that... The forest on that left upper section also seems a little off, maybe not as well done as the other forests.

    Great work so far! and welcome to the Guild, have some rep!

  3. #3


    Thank you!

    The area to the North West is marshy ground so I was going for a softer feel for the banks of the river. I agree though, it could do with a bit more work - ditto with the trees.

    The text on the original is 14pt - it turned into a A0 monster as I was working on it Once I'm happy with it I'm planning on having it printed as a poster to use in my game.

  4. #4
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Nov 2009
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


    This is great! Maps of large cities with street names are tough. I had one that needed to be about 5000px wide before you could read the names on the side streets. You've got a strong start on a really good map here, with lots of detail and interest. I'm probably not the only one that's going to want to hear some stories about this place


  5. #5


    Good start! I agree about the tiny labels being not legible. Will you add some texture effect on the water? It seems a bit too uniform compared to your detailed lands and buldings.

  6. #6


    Here's the latest version of my map. Thanks for all the input I've had so far - it's been very useful.

    In this version I've added some texture to the water - still not sure if I'm completely happy with it though. I've tidied-up the river to the NW and I've made the text labels larger. They're still quite small on this copy, but in the full-sized version they're 18pt

    I've also changed some of the buildings and generally done a bit of fiddling

    Last edited by Fractalz; 04-29-2015 at 09:07 AM.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Domino44's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    The forest looks a lot better, the labels are a easier to see, and the upper part of the left had river looks good. I agree that I'm not a huge fan of the water texture but that's just something to continue to play with. I really like the Dunlassen part of the map!

  8. #8
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    "Devine Procesional" - "Devine" is a real name, but I suspect it is supposed to be "Divine", of or relating to god(s). "Procesional" should be "Processional", with a double ess.

    I don't like this style of buildings, but given that, I think you're doing a good job with them and have the other elements matching to the style.

  9. #9


    You're quite right Spelling has never been my strong point, but two errors in two words is going a bit far! Now the question is, should I correct it or, which would probably be more interesting, think of a reason why it's misspelled?

  10. #10
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Just take the Elizabethan approach! Back then, there was no spelling standard and you simply spelled a word how it was pronounced. Given regional variations in dialect, there were lots of different spellings for the same word. So, if we're looking at a medieval map, you could certainly make a case that your spelling is correct for that region (this is my universal get-out clause for all errors! )

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