Basically, why isn't my map anywhere near the one in this tutorial:
I've been through these steps, following the tutorial to the letter (sometimes after figuring out what the letter was) and I end up with the image I am attaching, showing the tutorial result versus mine.
The flow was FT-part1 > Wilbur-part1 > FT-part 2 > Wilbur-part 2.. which is where my results don't look in the same universe as clean as theirs.
Is it possible for Fractal Terrains and/or WIlbur to actuall produce their version of the mountains and outlying rivers and such? My result is like I dribbled wax onto a green field, arg.
I think part of it is the color scheme, but even just the basic terrain, if it were greyscale would still look terrible, I'm missing something to get that really nice mountain-range effect they acheived. Ah, well, maybe starting from scratch, just wish I knew where I went so wrong in their tutorial.
"..the next Riddick movie? It's a wild ride, I hear they're calling it Alice in Underverse."