Quote Originally Posted by Larb View Post
I've been struggling how to reply to this post. Max's map is a great building map (can't rep it for usual max-map-deluge reasons).

I myself am a big fan of Steffan's style. I have borrowed his pattern and drawn several building plans in more or less the same style myself. But they have been my own work. I have been trying to create my own pattern with similar traits but different to Steffan's but that is only because I want to use an original pattern that is my own.
I've also been playing around with such a pattern, just to see if I could come up with something as attractive and yet quite different. Not that I do a lot of building walls, it's just a challenge .... Steffen does such great work!

Quote Originally Posted by Larb View Post
Anyway even using Steffan's pattern with permission and following his style, you still have to do the lion's share of the work yourself. Layout, design, details, linework, etc. But the Steffan building plan style is just really good so people will want to try and emulate it. Just like people try to emulate all good map styles. And eventually they'll put their own twist on it.
Isn't that one of the ways apprentices in historical times learned their art -- copying paintings done by the earlier masters?