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Thread: Need Help in many places, over thinking.

  1. #1

    Default Need Help in many places, over thinking.

    So, I've started reading this board and it is quite helpful but it's easy to get in over your head if you are a beginner like me.
    I've included my map that I am working on and I'm over thinking everything.

    First of all, scale. I'd like for the continent to be about a 2.5 to 3 month horse ride from tip to tip if conditions were optimal which of course they aren't. I've done quick math and realized that my continent will be about 3k miles from tip to tip. Not sure if I am comfortable with that. Thoughts.

    Second, I have no idea where to place my mountains. I originally started down the middle left then split the two lakes and finally cut back in where it says "wetlands" and stopped. This is the worst part, because then I start worrying about weather patterns caused by the mountains and sea.

    Third, the "WHAT" area. What does it need? Part of the hot area will also be jungle. What separates a jungle from a desert?

    Fourth, I'm going to place a city between the D and the S of "Wetlands", what kind of climate is expected on the inner shore of a peninsula?

    I have a million other little questions, I just need a kick in the butt or a couple suggestions to get in gear.

    The only thing on my map proper is the continent and sea, all words and outlines are just to show what I've got in my mind at the moment.

    Any comments are appreciated, I know this is early on in the process and very general in scope. Thanks for your time.
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  2. #2
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    If the map is north to south, you can't have a temperate area in the south. Your continent is roughly 5000 km in height. It's almost half of North America. If the north is cold, it could be around the polar circle (66th) and the south close to the tropic (21th).
    You could have a forest in the south but it's a bit too cold to be a jungle. More like a wet and dry forest like southern China maybe?

    The ''what?'' area is probably dry for the most part and could be move closer to the tropics.

    The area in the peninsula is not much different from the surroundings. In mid latitudes, dominant winds go from west to east and they would be able to carry the moisture over all the landmass since it's 1000 km across or something like that. But the eastern part is probably somewhat drier. But that is debatable since we also have to consider the effect of the Jet stream.

    The peninsula could have a ''lake effect'' like the Great lakes meaning an increase in precipitation eastward. It's a very erratic effect and limited is area coverage though, it's not very significant. The peninsula also temperate the climate but the effect if very small.

    Plain is more likely a forest unless it was chopped down.

    The desert in the north, it would need to be almost on the pole in order to be considered as a desert (ice desert).

    So the progression would look like this:

    The climate in the south would be like Burkina Faso with a small strip of jungle. Then it's a savanna that turns into a desert. Eventually, it becomes colder and more humid and there is more vegetation with some steppes and Mediterranean climates in the west not far from the ''hot''. The temperate area would be covered by a temperate forest like in France. Going north, it's getting colder but the coast could stay relatively warm like Norway. The northern tip turns into a tundra.
    Last edited by Azélor; 05-27-2015 at 08:19 PM.

  3. #3


    Thanks for the reply, I've got a lot to look over when I get home from work.

    I assume that if I move the whole thing down 10 degrees it would kind of correspond to what we have on earth just 10 degrees lower? As a general rule I guess.

  4. #4
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Yes, we can assume it will be the case. But mountains could have a huge impact of the climate if you decide to add some.

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