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Thread: Looking for a East Asian style world map for Pathfinder game

  1. #1

    Post Looking for a East Asian style world map for Pathfinder game

    Hi Cartographers!

    I just discovered this place and I must say it is a fantastic forum! I'm hoping someone here has the time to help me with a map for a game I'll be DMing in the near future.

    The world is mainly inspired by China and Japan. The way I picture it, it has one big "main" continent and a smaller "secondary" one. Maybe a few islands too. The main continent is where the 5 kingdoms are located: Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood. They might be renamed eventually but, for now, it's their name and associated element. The secondary continent would be the old lands and what's in them is kind of a mystery and it is entirely up to you if you want to add your personal touch and name a few places in there.

    The style of the map is also up to you. I quite like This style but I'll be very happy with any kind of map.

    It doesn't have to be a professional map. I understand that for most of you it's a hobby and that is plenty good for me. I'll be using the map mostly on PC and I would like to be able to zoom in if that's possible.

    No time constraint. I will probably start the campaign at some point this summer but I can start without the map.

    If you are willing to take this challenge I'll be very grateful! I have a lot more information about the world that's available for the cartographer . You can contact me by email: (remove -- at -- and replace by @).

    Thank you for your time and have a good day!

  2. #2


    Well if you're thinking of a hand-drawn styled map, I've got some ukiyo-e woodblock style map objects of mountains and terrain, inspired by Hokusai and Hiroshige master woodblock print artists from 19th century Japan. I developed these to make my Asian style maps really pop with an authentic look. I am the creator and publisher of the Kaidan setting of Japanese horror (PFRPG0, which is an imprint published under Rite Publishing.

    The first image below is where I first used these symbols for a guild map challenge (I forget when) years ago. The second image is one of the three large islands of my Kaidan setting... doesn't that look great for Asian style maps!


    genpei-war.jpg yonshu.jpg

    Edit: I just noticed this was in the map request forum, I didn't notice that when I responded... I don't have time to do personal map commissions, I was thinking these objects might be something you could do in a map you create yourself. I'm way too busy writing 2 tutorial guide books supporting a Kickstarter, doing map commission work for 3 different RPG publishers (Legendary Games, Stormbunny Studios and EN Publishing), so I can't help you beyond pointing out some resources for you...
    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 05-28-2015 at 06:22 PM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    Well if you're thinking of a hand-drawn styled map, I've got some ukiyo-e woodblock style map objects of mountains and terrain, inspired by Hokusai and Hiroshige master woodblock print artists from 19th century Japan. I developed these to make my Asian style maps really pop with an authentic look. I am the creator and publisher of the Kaidan setting of Japanese horror (PFRPG0, which is an imprint published under Rite Publishing.

    The first image below is where I first used these symbols for a guild map challenge (I forget when) years ago. The second image is one of the three large islands of my Kaidan setting... doesn't that look great for Asian style maps!


    genpei-war.jpg yonshu.jpg

    Edit: I just noticed this was in the map request forum, I didn't notice that when I responded... I don't have time to do personal map commissions, I was thinking these objects might be something you could do in a map you create yourself. I'm way too busy writing 2 tutorial guide books supporting a Kickstarter, doing map commission work for 3 different RPG publishers (Legendary Games, Stormbunny Studios and EN Publishing), so I can't help you beyond pointing out some resources for you...
    No problem Gamerprinter! I lack the talent to do the map myself but thank you for the examples. They look very nice

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