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Thread: The Home for Abandoned Maps

  1. #11
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    with the celestia sim addons everything is cc-by-sa

    even the images on picassa are cc
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larb View Post
    ...The first is a fortified town I just didn't like the layout of. Something about it didn't "feel" right and when I start getting that feeling I begin to lose my enthusiasm for completing it....
    The town is interesting. I didn't like it before I read your text, but I know why, so I thought I'd share. The dark river is a poor shape, not very natural since the widest part of the bend should be on the outside (east). The river is so dark that it becomes the eye's focus instead of the town being prominent -- you almost have to force yourself to look at the town itself. The bend of the river points off the map and so draws the eye toward the barren SE and off the map instead of onto it. The main content of the map is at the center -- try to keep the photographic "Rule of Thirds" in mind, even for maps.

    In this image, I have modified the river slightly and rotated and repositioned the map so the main content is near one of the "1/3" points. Does it look any better this way?

    fortifiedtown chick1.jpg..... fortifiedtown chick2.jpg

    Last edited by Chick; 03-28-2015 at 09:41 AM.

  3. #13


    Not really. =P

    I don't think I'll ever go back to that map because there are several things I don't like about it. Although maybe addressing them might be a challenge for me. Who knows. I've still got the layered pdf of it.

    Also my silty rivers always divide opinion. That is the river at the basic stage though before any ripples and things.

  4. #14


    You know, while you might not like the style of that Barony map, it is an interesting style! It might not take too much fiddling to turn into something fun and different.

  5. #15


    @Larb : Thoee both look very nice.
    @chick : Wow. Nice images. Wait...that sounds vaguely sexist. How about - the images look very nice. :-)
    @eViLe_eAgLe: I can see why you stopped working on it. It looks like a kidney. I think I've drawn something like that years ago - but I threw it away also. I'm more of a liver person. A few onions. Maybe some mushrooms too. :-P

    Actually, I'm a notorius pack rat. Just the other day I was going through my receipt bin and I found a receipt from 1992! I did throw that one away. I also found my graduation annoucement in with the receipts. 1974! GACK! I thought I had that put up someplace - like with our mortgage paperwork. It's like the ticket to breakfast at the Warwick in Houston, Texas. We got the ticket as a wedding present but never used it. Now the Warwick is closed. I asked my friend about it and he said it cost over $100.00! I was like "Oops....". :-/ My bad. B-/

    I'll see if I can't find some things I started and never finished. I should have a lot of these as I keep getting yanked off to do other things. :-/
    Last edited by markem; 04-14-2015 at 06:22 PM.
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  6. #16


    This is a great idea.
    Here is a map I did for a game a while back. Never got any further on it before the adventure moved on.


  7. #17
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if this classifies as an abandoned map, but I did it and never finished it.


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