Thanks a lot for your comments guys!
@J.Edward: thanks for the offer, i might pm you soon, since i'm working on the the cities atm
@Astrogator: Glad you like it, and thanks a lot for the reference to Daniel Reeve, he's a great artist, a shame i only knew his "middle earth" map till now... btw.: the coat-of-arms on the map is white on blue, just a bit dark... i guess in heraldry the colours are (or should be) usually more clear/disinctive?
@Ilanthar: Thank you, much appreciated!

I did some work on the map:


- i tweaked the linework of the mountains a little bit (thinned the end of the lines mainly)

- finalised the rivers/landform, added an outline to it and some "coast-water-lines"

- added some cliffs on the eastern coast of Belfalas and Tolfalas

- placed some more forests

- i made a fancy swan-compass..yay!

- i colored the landmass

- finally i tried to make some city icons, would love to hear what you think

- i used this nice little program to make a celtic-knot-ornament for the border

- added the "Song of Nimrodel" from LotR as a placeholder(?) since the story is partly based in the region

Next, i need to shade/highlight the forests and the cliffs and add a lot more cities, towns, castles and other stuff as roads, bridges, etc.

Any kind of comment, critique or suggestion is very welcome and greatly appreciated!
