First of all hello to everyone in the guild, I'm ecstatic that I finally have a map that I think is good enough to post publicly. Feel free to give any constructive criticism or critiques, because I still have a lot to learn.

So anyway this project started because a few days ago when my best friends were talking about getting our D&D group together because 5th Edition is actually pretty good. So about 20 hours in photoshop later this beauty is finished. Well relatively finished, I haven't named any of the towns or fortresses because I want the group to find them out themselves and I can't risk them seeing the names here, but still the map IS finished. And as stated before I used Photoshop Elements 7.0 to create this and it took roughly 20 hours to design.

As for the story of this land here it is: "In the ancient land of Soria the kingdom of man is dying as eternal winter encroaches from the north. "The Pale" as it has come to be known doesn't just affect the weather, it holds within a dark magic that bring the recently dead back to life to serve unknown otherworldly masters. Seperated only by a massive fortress known as "The Line" the dying mortal races begin expeditions into the North to investigate the cause of The Pale after almost 300 years of unending winter."


(I had to submit this in JPEG because the PNG is just too big)