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Thread: Nazilli Keep

  1. #11
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected jpstod's Avatar
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    If you have played The Dragon's Demand you would know the back story of the Ruins of Nazilli...As a Young girl Tulia Belhaim lived here as a Child but a Black Dragon Name Ateperax destroyed the City. She grew up and Formed a troupe of Dragon Slayers and they were named Dragon Slayers of Nazilli in the Town's honor. They Slew 13 Dragons, more than any Dragon Slayers during the Dragon Plague Years. The First Dragon they Slew was Ateperax..That is all basically is said about the Ruins of Nazilli.

    The Maps are 100% my Design as will be the City Battlemaps.
    As you Approach the remains of the City ...PCs will discover several bands of Orcs, Bugbears, and Maybe Hill Giants are residing here..

    Here is what I envisioned when I started Mapping...From the Banks of a Small lake you see the ruins of a Keep sitting on an Island. The Keep sits on a Rocky island completely walled above the rocky outcropping of the Island(Perhaps 10 or 20 Feet Above, Maybe even just 5) The remains of a Wooden pier sits at the Bottom of a rise to Two Large wooden Doors. From the Banks you can see the remains of two stories to the building...

    Yes the Basement is designed that way..There are two concealed entrances to the Basement area..One under the pier..the other on the Northeast through and underwater passage, Both are Barred..This allows water to flow under the keep keeping the Water fresh..The Occupant could get water and food during sieges..A Secret Door under water accesses the Basement area on the South of the Keep's Basement ( Room with water and decayed wooden ledge). Access to the first floor is in the Northeast Corner..I need to place stairs on this level, you can see them on level 1). There are (or Maybe Not) two secret rooms on the Floor. The Rooms without Doors.

    First Floor..
    The Path from the pier leads to a set of Wooden Reinforced Double Doors carved with Mystical Runes, Even after Centuries they are well preserved. The Double doors leads to a Small Walled Courtyard (They can be barred from the inside). To the North is a Single door version of the Grand Entry Doors also Preserved. The Single Door leads into a Courtyard. The Courtyard has Single doors on the east and west walls (can be Barred from Inside)..A Series of Arrow Slits and a Double set of Doors are set in the North wall. The Next Chamber was once used as an Audience Hall where The Lord would conduct meetings or hold court, Two sets of Double doors are set in the North wall..In the Next room a Huge Fireplace sits facing North into what maybe once was the Grand Ballroom where Guest would have been entertained. The Remains of two Grand Staircases rise to the second floor(wooden areas on the Map). A Single wooden Staiway leads down in the room on the North East corner of this floor. A Second Fieplace sits in the Southwest room. A well sits on the Northwest corner of the Outer Courtyard.

    Second Floor..
    The Remains of the Grand Stair Cases lead to the Second floor. The Eastern Stair Case leads up to what may have been 4 quest rooms at one time..There is a Secret room in this Area (Gray on Map). A Single wooden Door lies in the West Wall. The Western Grand Stairwell leads to what once was 4 Private Rooms and a Bath area (white on Map) Water could be heated in the Fireplace on the Northwall on the Bath Area..A Single door is located on the East Wall..The Doors from the East and West leads to a Large room with a Fireplace on the South Wall, A Set of Double Doors lie on each side of the Fireplace. A Set of Double Doors are Set in the North wall. The Set of Double Doors to the North lead out onto a Balcony with a Low wall section on the North side. The Southern Sets of Double Doors lead into what once was a Great Study/Library. The Fireplace provided warmth on this side to a Once Grand Room. Windows (or what remains of them) allow Light into the room.

    and that my friends is what I envision...

    Now to work on series of Battlemaps for the actual City Ruins. (broken down into smaller Battlemaps..I doubt my system would handle converting a City Map into one large Battlemap.

    I have plans to actually Do a Scenario with better Maps and Details. I was thinking submitting it to one of the Fanzines. I need a Newer System with better performance to be able to get better than 50 pixels per 5 foot..I want to try 300 sometime.

    Not having a lot of Art work in CC3.

    Yes I would like to do a ruins version with tore up stuff and to populate with some "Creature" and where they are staying inside...working on those details..
    I also want to de a restored version..with Furniture and such.
    Last edited by - Max -; 07-07-2015 at 07:31 AM. Reason: merging double posts
    The Wayward Traveler
    Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild

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