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Thread: Photoshop users, do you also use Illustrator?

  1. #1
    Banned User
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    Default Photoshop users, do you also use Illustrator?

    Hello. I've been using Photoshop for many years now and use only PS to make my maps. I've been thinking about getting illustrator recently and I'm just wondering if any of you that primarily use PS also use Illustrator for certain tasks. If so, what for?


  2. #2


    I don't use Illustrator (anymore), but I use Xara Photo & Graphic Designer, which is a less expensive vector drawing application very much like Illustrator. While Illustrator has more capability, some of the features shared with Xara is better (in my opinion) than its tool equivalent than Illustrator.

    While I create my entire maps using Xara, many mappers here use both Photoshop and Illustrator (or GIMP and Inkscape) for the purposes of specific tasks that are easier and more powerful done in Illustrator/Inkscape/Xara, such as: coastlines, rivers, labels and borders. Most vector applications can create lines that diminish in width, say from a 4 point line to 0 points, meaning you can create rivers that are widest at the mouth of the river, diminishing to a 1 pixel line at the source (draw from mouth to source). Image editors like Photoshop keep the line width the same. Also in vector, you can convert a drawn line into a shape that you can cut out of the terrain beneath, apply a bevel to simulate the river being lower elevation than the surrounding terrain.

    Creating labels and text on a curve functions are far easier to create, adjust and move using Illustrator/Xara/Inkscape than doing so in an image editor. Of course creating borders, like labels is far simpler a process in vector, as well.
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  3. #3
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Although I'm not a professional artist (and probably not even an artist to begin with) yes, I use both of them. I used only PS at first but started to use Illustrator in tandem because it really widen the possibilities. There are things PS simply can't do or can do with a lot of effort compared to Illustrator.

    Illustrator is based on vectors. That can be a huge advantage for something with a lot of details or for something that have very small elements. For example, I did a replicate of the solar system on scale with illustrator. I can't do that with PS, even just 1 pixel for Mercury is too big. Unless I would use a wacky perspective maybe.

    They also work very differently. AI can manipulate all the elements separately and modify them without risking to blur them since it's not using pixels. You can change the scale at anytime.

    See this also :

    And I'm glad to see that your back with us

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    Although I'm not a professional artist (and probably not even an artist to begin with) yes, I use both of them. I used only PS at first but started to use Illustrator in tandem because it really widen the possibilities. There are things PS simply can't do or can do with a lot of effort compared to Illustrator.

    Illustrator is based on vectors. That can be a huge advantage for something with a lot of details or for something that have very small elements. For example, I did a replicate of the solar system on scale with illustrator. I can't do that with PS, even just 1 pixel for Mercury is too big. Unless I would use a wacky perspective maybe.

    They also work very differently. AI can manipulate all the elements separately and modify them without risking to blur them since it's not using pixels. You can change the scale at anytime.

    See this also :

    And I'm glad to see that your back with us
    Thanks for the link. I do have some ideas about what Illustrator has over PS, but I'm not entirely sure of the possibilities yet so it's nice to hear what you guys use it for. Perhaps I'll just get it to see how much it allows and determine if I want perform such tasks there instead of PS. My main gripes with PS is working with text and also making smooth curving lines. The pen tool just doesn't cut it for nice line art. Working with shapes and worrying about resolution is also a hassle.

    Also, I didn't expect that last little comment. I'm fairly certain you'll be the only one, but let's not get into that. (Being ignored is not undeserved)
    Last edited by Sarithus; 07-20-2015 at 09:11 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    I use Illustrator a lot and I'm starting kind of on a reverse path to you, where I'm using Photoshop more as I get more comfortable with it (to be fair I've used Photoshop a lot longer than Illustrator, since before it had layers even, but primarily to manipulate existing images). Though my workflow isn't practiced enough for me to declare exactly how I use the two together, I find Illustrator to be a great tool to start on. I draw sketches or outlines in it and then bring those into photoshop, sometimes as masks. They do play nicely together!

    Pen tool for the win.


  6. #6
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
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    I have used Illustrator since it's beginning and until recently had only used photoshop for image editing. Typically I will use Illustrator to format or sketch out the layout and place that into Photoshop as a base, I then use Photoshop for all the illustrative map work and then place (link not embed) it into Illustrator for text, legends, borders and all the additional elements. But text treatment is the main reason. I look forward to seeing what other say. I'm always impressed with Gameprinters' map using a vector program, he seems to be able to get pretty much the same results. I like to blur the mountains at the base and use other transitions that seem to be easier (at least to me) in photoshop. But I could probably do about 80% of the same work in Illustrator.

  7. #7
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarithus View Post
    Thanks for the link. I do have some ideas about what Illustrator has over PS, but I'm not entirely sure of the possibilities yet so it's nice to hear what you guys use it for. Perhaps I'll just get it to see how much it allows and determine if I want perform such tasks there instead of PS. My main gripes with PS is working with text and also making smooth curving lines. The pen tool just doesn't cut it for nice line art. Working with shapes and worrying about resolution is also a hassle.

    Also, I didn't expect that last little comment. I'm fairly certain you'll be the only one, but let's not get into that. (Being ignored is not undeserved)
    Before buying it (because it's kinda costly IMO) you should search for videos on Youtube to see how people use it and what they can do. I will give you a better idea. Oh and there is a free version for 30 days apparently but I guess you already know.

    I mean, I am optimist and think there will be no other incidents.
    Last edited by Azélor; 07-21-2015 at 12:25 PM.

  8. #8
    Guild Journeyer Jayharchitect's Avatar
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    I'm a big fan of both programs (also I throw in InDesign also).

    I think Photoshop of all the adobe programs is the most diverse... you can even imitate vector strokes using path tools in photoshop, it just takes longer. (Heck you can even make videos, paint 3D models, and make websites with Photoshop if you want).

    That being said, I use illustrator more because I do more vector work, and you can't beat it for speed on crisp linework.

    Edit: Also, you can be parametric with Illustrator and any icons / labels (change one, change them all)

  9. #9
    Professional Artist Carnifex's Avatar
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    i have used Photoshop and Illustrator for many years making maps. When I uses Photoshop for dungeons and structures I often make the base in Illustrator - the "outlines" so to speak. Now i've switched entirely to Illustrator but it's much harder but very rewarding (and quite important in my work flow now since I now have extremely bad eye sight (almost blind)).
    Generally in map making - as in lyout/graphic design work - Illustrator are far more better at vector work than PS- but usually only used when doing specialized vector work. It's not an easy program to master.

    Check out my Illustrator maps at my blog:

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