Sweet! So its been a couple of months since I posted any info on this thing, which sucks because I cant find the original thread u_u (sad noob face). But that's ok! I am sure people wont mind me posting another!

So here is my progress thus far, attached is a low res image as well as some orthographic spin maps, see some high res ones here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7fg2idd4v...baLzHPZ7a?dl=0

If you are a Pathfinder /D&D gammer, check out my facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/968326159897155/

I used Fractal Terrains 3 from Campaign Cartographer to carve out this bad boy (literally, I made this map by raising eleveations to erroneously high peaks and then carved out all the valleys and coast line manually) https://secure.profantasy.com/products/ft.asp

If you have Fractal Terrains 3 and want a copy of the climate image pallet I used, send me a PM and ill shoot you a dropbox link
