A good friend of mine is really into "Magic the Gathering" for years now. He has a huge collection of cards/decks and his walls are full with magic artwork and stuff. So i thought he might like a map of one of the planes of the mtg multiverse to hang there aswell.
I first had to do some research... i didn't even know before something like different planes exist nowadays(i played mtg myself the last time over 15 years ago, back in "high school"... i remember the Ice Age and Mirage series were out then...).
I decided to head for one of the newest planes called "Tarkir" from the "Khans of Tarkir" set, because i like the "oriental" background of the world the most. It's basically five clans (each representing mainly one colour) battling over the lands of Tarkir after they hunted down all their former dragon neighbours. There are the "Mardu" (red- golden horde style steppe nomads), the "Jeskai" (blue- martial arts monks living in fortified temple cities in the mountains^^), the "Abzan" (white- desert civilization inspired by persian/ottoman empire), the "Sultai" (black - some bad-ass naga necromancer living in huge palaces and necropoles in the jungle) and the "Temur" (green- rough Barbarians living in the frosty mountains in the north). Welll maybe i'll write a bit more about the lore later...
There is some information on the different territories from the Wizards of the Coast site but there is no official map, only two fan-made i could find.
I made some sketches on paper and then started in Krita with some mountain ridges that seperate the five territories.
tarkir TEST.jpg
I was not too happy with that first attempt. The mountains look all too similar and mostly aren't connected with each other. But i think i'll keep the rough layout of the landscape as it is.
So i made a second try, starting with the northern "Qal Sisma" mountain range, the one i left out in the first sketch, the territory of the Temur clan.
Im pretty happy with the rugged mountains so far, but i'm not sure if i can keep the perspective for the rest of the map. Also i don't know if i'll have the same amount of detail on every single mountain. We'll see...
PS: comments, critique, suggestions are as always greatly welcome!