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Thread: WIP Handdrawn ISO region map

  1. #11
    Guild Adept Barek333's Avatar
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    Sep 2011


    Aha, ok, I get what you mean. To me thought both look cartoony, just I worked more on the mountain shading so maybe that's why they give of a different vibe. Anyways my goal was a cartoony look for everything something aiming for but of a much lower quality to some djekspek maps

  2. #12
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    You might consider drawing trunks under the forest canopy, to make it more isometric than top-down, but otherwise the mountains and forests and your sketches look pretty good. The river could maybe do with some more hand-drawn line art to match the rest of it, but for its own part it's not bad... just doesn't quite fit in as is. If you really want to get picky about style matching all of the elements of the map, the line art on the mountains looks a bit more faded than the rest, but I don't know if I'd make that darker or the other stuff lighter. Depends on what you want to do with it. I do like the mountains the best... and that really big tree. Are you planning to do more with it?
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  3. #13
    Guild Adept Barek333's Avatar
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    Yes I was/still am thinking whether to draw trunks or put a shade. I think I'll color the plains first and then go with what would fit better. And thank you, this is the 'train to use your tablet' map so on the mountains I went into to much of a detail and drew a lot of 1px lines. On the forest it can also be seen that there are areas of smaller and bigger lines as I a) tried out different styles and patterns b) cant maintain the same pattern for the whole thing yet And yes the forest lining is a bit thick :/

    The river will definitely change later, I just added her as a forest bordering thing and played with this foam making. I plan on making it a much lighter blue/grey color and with more hand drawn elements.

    Thank you for the mountains comment

    So yes I am planning to work on the map more: river change, coloring the plains and the icons, adding a legend for them.


  4. #14
    Guild Adept Barek333's Avatar
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    So I added the tree trunks and gave a brownish shade to the forest with which I am now satisfied. Also changed the river and colored the land. All that is left now is to color in the points of interest..which will take some time I guess and add a legend.


    Again, any comments and suggestions about these issues..or about anything else are welcome and appreciated!

    I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus

  5. #15
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    That came together nicely.
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  6. #16
    Guild Adept Barek333's Avatar
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    Thanks Chashio,

    It is good to hear that from someone else. After trying many shades of a same color you forget which of the ones used looked the best and in the end everything seems to fit together, so some impartial comments are very helpful.
    I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus

  7. #17
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    Wow! Really, that map is looking good. It's funny, when I posted on another thread of yours about trees I was going to recommend getting a drawing tablet. It looks like you're rocking the new tool very well!

    I have one suggestion regarding the things in the clearings and that is to let a couple more of them stick out past the borders of the clearings, as you've already done with the big tall tree. Since you're going for the not-top-down (sort of isometric?) view, it would help demonstrate depth. I've also found (and been told by others) that when you draw this viewpoint it helps to distort things horizontally a bit, so the clearings could be wider than they are tall.

    Just some ideas, the map is looking really nice already.


  8. #18
    Guild Adept Barek333's Avatar
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    Sep 2011



    Thank you a lot for the tips. Both the comments and the suggestions were really appreciated. I am almost done with the map so I probably wont go back and put some other objects to stick out of the borders, but will remember this tip for the future since I clearly see how that would look much better. The same goes for the horizontal distortion. It will really help with the future maps.

    Now I finished with the coloring, happy with some, less happy with others. But the point was to improve and I think I did during these few days.


    Now just to add a legend that would fit which I for some reason find hard to do

    Once more thank you everybody for nice and constructive comments. It really helps a lot.

    I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus

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