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Thread: Salutations!

  1. #1

    Default Salutations!

    This isn't the first time I've had to introduce myself on a forum, and it will not be the last either.
    It is, however, one of the few times I register for a purpose other than to socialize or hang out; it is to learn and seek help from the many experienced people here.

    For starters I've written four and completed two fantasy stories. The first (unfinished) one was an assignment from school at the age of 10-11. The first chapter was already written to give us a starting point that was open enough to allow almost everything else.

    The second and third stories were written using an MMO as world. Many probably played or heard of Maple Story, a pixel-art side-scrolling fantasy RPG. I started these early '06 and late '07 at the age of 17-19.
    The sad part about using a pre-existing world, whether it is a game, another book or similar, the copyright prevents fans to sell their work.

    Thus I set out to create my own world, triggering the start of the fourth story. I soon ran into the problems the likes of 'where do I send my characters?', 'what is near this place?', and 'what is the history behind this?'.
    Also, to prevent myself from creating things my characters needed to be conveniently nearby, I needed some holds, some guidelines, some... facts about the world.
    In short, I need to create a world before creating the story.

    This requires not only a huge amount of thought, but a detailed map as well.
    Being a programmer myself (I blame my father), I set out to find a program that could do this.
    I kept a log of my endeavour that started nearly 3 months ago.
    Once I find my FTP data, I'll create a WIP thread where I'll explain the details.

    For now, I'm in your care.

    The finished stories are published on, should you want to check them out.
    Adventures of a Warrior
    Green Christmas

  2. #2
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Hello Shikotei, Welcome to the Guild!

    To get you started, there is a great tutorial in the sticky section of Tutorials, called Quickstart Guide to Fantasy Mapping:

    From there, go to Hand Drawn Mapping for the Artistically Challenged:

    Once you have completed those two tutorials, you'll be well on your way!!

  3. #3


    Thanks for the welcome! I had already found and read several of the starter threads prior to posting, but the Hand Drawin for the Artistically Challenged tut was new to me. I still have plenty of thing to read about and research, so bear with me when I make mistakes.
    The one map that I'm currently working on can be found here. Any and all comments are welcome too.

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