Thanks, guys.

Paint Tool SAI, to give it its full name, is a Japanese painting programme. It does linework and vectors really really nicely, and far more intuitively (to me) than Photoshop. (I've never really managed to figure out how to oeprate the Pen tool in PS, especially in terms of editing, so I tend to be stuck with what I've got once I've done it. At least in SAI, I can easily adjust the weight, colour and so on of any vector linework. The only thing it doesn't do well is actual straight lines so I wouldn't want to try painting accurate buildings in there.) I tend to start my maps as sketches/linework in SAI if I know what I want. If I'm just doing something random, I'll start in PS because it's easier to use filters and the render clouds technique that way.

### LATEST WIP ###


I've added a bunch of buildings and bridges, and made a facsimile of a boat just to show traffic on the river. I've fiddled with the labels a bit, too, but they don't seem to show up very well no matter what I do. For some reason, as well, I've noticed that Photoshop makes the round rooftops weird when you zoom out. They seem lop-sided even though the originals are perfectly central. Can you guys see that too or is it just me?

I've also elevated a couple of the islands, but I've had to flatten the terrain layers because my computer really doesn't like me or this map right now. I'm not sure why because it's dealt with much larger and more complex maps and graphics far more readily. o_O