Unfortunately, I've had to abandon any further work on this map because my computer is struggling with it so much. (I really don't understand it, but I started working on the smudging Meshon mentioned and my computer was making crazy weird noises. I figured I'd quit before the hard drive blew up or ate me or something. (Seriously, it sounded like a ravenous beast every time I swept the smudge tool down the river. I fear for my life!))

However, I'll keep that advice in mind for future work, Meshon, thanks. (I'll also keep future maps smaller... I think it's because it's 150ppi instead of just 72.)

I did manage to play with the legend, though, and turned the border into a scale so I could remove the grid. (I did make an actual scale but it seems incredibly tiny and disappeared into the terrain.) Thank you both for your advice. <3

So, there's not much difference with this, but here's the latest wip, and definitely the finished piece since I daren't work on it any further. (I would still appreciate feedback for future works, though!)

### LATEST WIP ###
