Quote Originally Posted by jbgibson View Post
I'm betting when you created the land masses you 'erased' some irregularity into the coast? There's what look like traces of plain-circle erasers - the uniform-width/ circular end inlets in West Shodoram, three of the bays on the east of Shodorram - that sort of thing.
Yes, I did. I'm still playing with gimp. The way I've created the coast didn't work out exactly the way I'd like. I have some good ideas for the next one based on other tutorials I've watched, but for now this does the job.

Quote Originally Posted by jbgibson View Post
The proportions seem odd for a world map of s spherical planet.
That's something I couldn't quite work out how to incorporate, especially in regards to Varnad. I guess knowing how to adjust for that distortion comes with time and practice, and looking at a lot of maps. I was most concerned with the placement of the landmasses in relation to one another and the geographical features within them so I had a sense of where everything was and how long it took my characters to get where they're going. On that account it does the job, but making it more realistic is something i will probably work on if I have the time (or leave up to someone more experienced).

I have to admit, making a map feeds into my creative side and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The gimp version was also a vast improvement over the hand-drawn blobs in my notebook.

Thanks again for having a look at it for me.