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Thread: Hello, I'm new here

  1. #11
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected TT1's Avatar
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    Oh, this is really amazing. I wanna play with this.

  2. #12
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    Well, THAT imgbox page gave me a bunch of virus popups that I had to ALT-CNTL-DEL to stop -- you know the kind that when you close a window it reopens itself forever.

  3. #13
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    odd , i see no advertising and no pop up windows
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  4. #14
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet

    Unfortunately there are not many of us Linux users here
    Linux users unite!

    I need to play with this program. It seems super awesome... Can someone send me some extra time?

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    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

  5. #15
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    not time

    but the code builds just fine on my OpenSUSE 13.2 install using gcc 4.8
    read the Makefile !!!!
    you can just build "gaseous-giganticus" and "earthlike"
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  6. #16
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    Oh it's not about whether or not I can pull off the build, it's whether or not I have time to do the build.

    I started my Linux journey on opensuse! I'm on a pretty awesome custom built arch Linux now.

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

  7. #17
    Guild Journeyer Guild Supporter onez's Avatar
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    Very interesting stuff!

    And welcome!

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
    gaseous-giganticus.c is cool

    been playing around with it for a bit

    planet clouds are "fun"

    Unfortunately there are not many of us Linux users here
    Cool, glad to see someone other than me getting something out of it.

    Been getting a little better at clouds, but still not quite as good as I'd like.


    Procedure for how to make something like the above is described here:

  9. #19


    Oh, also johnvanvliet, since you're actually using gaseous-giganticus, you may find this interesting. I ran the thing with various noise scales systematically, which oddly, I'd not really done properly before, and got a much better feel for how the velocity field looks at various scales. You can see here:

    Also, I noticed you seem to convert to equirectangular projection... don't you get weird artifacts at the poles? Perhaps some other software you're using requires an equirectangular projection? I originally began with equirectangular projections, but quickly moved to cubemaps because of the problems at the poles. Now, the cubemap layout that gaseous-giganticus outputs is probably non-standard, as I just made it up, though I don't know if there is anything like a standard for that sort of thing.
    Last edited by smcameron; 11-12-2015 at 01:08 AM.

  10. #20
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    The software i use, uses Simple cylindrical
    ( but some software can use a cross CUBE map or a UV mapped cube faces )

    For making a NormalMap from a DEM I use a custom tool for converting 16 bit DEM's to a normal map that CORRECTS for the poles so that the tangent Normalmap dose wrap around a Sphere and NOT a flat plain like most tools do .The program also can be used on HUGE MAPS!! ( 131072 x 65536 pixels -- 16 Gig )
    -- crasy-bump dose NOT map to a sphere
    -- PhotoShop dose not map to a sphere
    -- the NVIDIA dds normalmap tools do not map to a sphere

    Polar -"pinch" is a problem but a manageable one that can be fixed but care must be used .
    things like DO NOT use Gaussian interpretation in remapping ( linear or nearest neighbor )

    just started looking at the "earthlike" code to see if a easy hack can output a 16 bit or 32 bit heightmap instead of a normal map , but i can create a height map from a normal
    but the earthlike NormalMap cubes have been a bit of a challenge
    -- earthlike defaults except for my own input heightmap

    ( i introduced a error in the conversion above ,and have not yet redid it to FIX the error i added )

    the HUGIN "Panotools" are what i use to move from cube to simplecylindrical and to a Cube map from simplecylindrical
    and that handles 16 bit gray tiff's

    Most of the time i am using gaseous-giganticus , as other software can output a decent "earth like" heightmap that i can then use as a base for coloring the land

    have you had much luck in getting a good cratered planet , like Mercury or the Moon ( and rocky moons of Jupiter and Saturn)

    something like this real Height data map of Ceres ( very EARLY map from last March )

    PS. if you have seen the above Ceres HeightMap around , it is the map i posted back in March -- this one is the only one in the public
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