Thanks guys, Wired your comment and Max's comments hit on my dilemma on doing these drawings. I am using a Wacom Tablet and Photoshop CS5.5 and using a 4px brush with Pen Pressure set to Shape Dynamics (line thickness), any thing smaller and it starts to pixelate, - I use a 2px brush for the RIVERS - and that is what MAX has commented on. So I don't want to make my MOUNTAIN brush any smaller. I guess I could go to a larger Canvas - right now I do 11 x 17 @ 300ppi. Should I do these drawings bigger? and then use a 6px brush for MOUNTAINS and a 3-4px brush for RIVER and thinner items?

Quote Originally Posted by Wired View Post
Lovely work on the general layout and the colors! The only point of advice/criticism I'd have is the linework on the mountains, in case you're using a tablet: make the lines a wee bit thinner, and try to use a pressure sensitive brush ( if you're using a mouse: holy moly, that's awesome work!)