Quote Originally Posted by Eilathen View Post
Wow! That looks truly awesome! I really like the mountain-ranges. I think it could use some more terrain differentiation (for example - forests) but all in all, this is an awesome piece of map-art. If i can, i'll rep. you.
And yes, please do the campaign work you mentioned in the OP. Also a big YES PLEASE for the WIP thread to see different directions. Very cool project.
Btw, if i am stating wishes already...any chance for a higher resolution of the map? I want to zoom in a lot more than i am able to atm ^^

Last but not least, a question: do you have some fluff/background for the world shown? If so, care to share?
Thanks Eilathen.
I tried some forests but the problem I had was that at this scale there really isn't differentiation between the green of a forest and the green of a field.
They're just too small at this scale. When I used a dot brush to make forests it made the scale seem wrong. Maybe I'll try to show that in the wip.
I didn't put up a super huge version as this might become part of a commercial work. If it doesn't I'll show a larger version.

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Hey, I missed this! Beautiful map J.! Colors, style, composition, elements... it's flawless and inspiring.
Thanks so much Ilanthar.
Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
This is lovely! I can see how it sorta follows on from that map of Britain you did recently, but I think I like this one better. It amuses me that it all came about because you bought a new font!

I love the textures of the map, the mountains especially. It makes me want to touch them, to feel the ridges under my fingers. Your shading, both on land and water, is fantastic (as usual!) Excellent work all round. Can't rep you unfortunately.
Haha, I know, right. That's how I roll. I love fonts/type. I'm going to show the ones that I was playing with in the wip.
My timing always seems to be bad for getting rep it. Alas....
I keep working at trying to improve on that atlas style of mountains.