Quote Originally Posted by AzurePlanet View Post
Finally, can you tell some more about the graticule in the maps of Qaliste? Is that a particular geographic projection?
Thanks again in advance for your kind replies.
I totally forgot to answer this Azure. Sorry about that.
It isn't a true graticule set. I was working fast and hadn't laid out the whole planet yet so I didn't have accurate info.
I just distorted a grid to give it the look of graticules. Obviously now that I am laying out the world, I'll have to go back and make changes to it.
Quote Originally Posted by Humabout View Post
The entire map is striking, but what really does it for me is the simple choice to have the map bursting out of the boarder. I love that. So tastefully done, too. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Humabout. I love little things like that too. And asymmetry as well.
Quote Originally Posted by snodsy View Post
Thanks for sharing, once again, your process and earlier version - gives us hope that our skills could develop into something worth actually looking at. Would rep you if I could, thanks again.
Your skills are already there snodsy.
But yes, that was why I wanted to show that 2012 version. I knew so little back then.
There were so many things that I wanted to do with my maps but just didn't know how to do it.
The will to learn is a big part of improving I think. Even more so than skills, as skills can be learned.