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Thread: Argona 3D Project

  1. #1

    Wip Argona 3D Project

    So, call me crazy but I'm starting to work seriously on a 3D map of all my city of Argona (remembering the incredible bridge city of THW, I know I'm not the only one, though ). I'll need basic buildings I can repeat many times, in addition to the unique and specific buildings.
    Here's a first residential house.
    ACH_1.png & ACH_1_1.png
    Working on a more bigger residence.

    By the way, any idea of how many different buildigns I should do to avoid a "too repeated" feeling?

  2. #2
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
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    You're using sketchup, right? Are you planning on texturing it?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    So, call me crazy but I'm starting to work seriously on a 3D map of all my city of Argona (remembering the incredible bridge city of THW, I know I'm not the only one, though ). I'll need basic buildings I can repeat many times, in addition to the unique and specific buildings.
    Here's a first residential house.
    ACH_1.png & ACH_1_1.png
    Working on a more bigger residence.

    By the way, any idea of how many different buildigns I should do to avoid a "too repeated" feeling?
    It sort of depends. Some cities have a lot of repeated styles. Outer edges of Philadelphia have many that look identical but with different colors.
    At certain time periods, some designs get repeated a lot. Especially row houses.

    For stand-alone houses, one thing you could do is to create several 'base' houses.
    These would largely be the same throughout the city but you could edit little bits to make them slightly different.

    The level of detail you have going right now is nice. But can your computer handle several hundred of those at once?
    That was often my problem when doing large projects in SU.

  4. #4


    Also depends on area and era of the city I think. For example a suburban area in a modern town or city could get away with just a few standard designs. Old cities might have much more variation. But then Roman cities could have a large variety of buildings or could be towns full of "strip houses", and just a few unique buildings (forum, amphitheater, bathhouse, etc).

  5. #5


    @eViLe_eAgLe : yes, I'm using Sketchup, and yes again, I planned to textured it. But I'm not there yet!

    By J.Edward
    The level of detail you have going right now is nice. But can your computer handle several hundred of those at once?
    That was often my problem when doing large projects in SU.
    Ouch, I didn't really thought about that... Maybe because I got this "base" with no details (mainly Dökkheim, the under part), without specific problems.
    Argona view1.png & Dökkheim underneath Argona view2.png

    Both of you : thanks for your thoughts about building diversity.
    @Larb : it's a big city. From one side to the other, at the middle (the artery), it's a bit more than 4 km.

    I'm working on this one right now.
    ACH2_1.png & ACH2_2.png

    Well, I guess that if my computer can't handle it, I'll just do some pieces or building then... Time will tell.
    Last edited by Ilanthar; 01-07-2016 at 08:21 PM.

  6. #6
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    you might also want to think about using Blender

    data from OpenStreetMap
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  7. #7
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Can't offer any advice, but just wanted to say that I take my hat off to you, Ilanthar! This is going to be an amazing project to watch.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  8. #8


    By Johnvanvliet
    you might also want to think about using Blender
    Interesting to know. I may consider it if I encouter troubles. The thing is : I have downloaded Blender quite a long time ago and it looks very powerful indeed, but I didn't understood how it really works... Sketchup is so more easier to use.

    Thanks ChickPea! I've finished the second one and I'm currently working on a third house and doing some tests about textures.

  9. #9


    Some tests about textures. What do you think?
    ACH2_1.png & ACH2_2.png

  10. #10
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
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    I think the textures are fine, my only comment would be to put some trim elements around the doors and possibly some gutter or element to finish off the roof line. On the larger building the roof doesn't quite look right, maybe a little more room above the windows. Your sketch up skills are getting better and better, nice job on these.

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