Those landforms are beautifully done, especially the sweeping curve of the Shattered Isles leading out to Etranox Terrae.

The compass rose is lovely, and I really like the font and effect you've used for the names of seas and oceans; but the font used for most of the city and town names has a more modern feel that, for me at least, makes a jarring contrast with the overall parchment look.

But I do like the attention paid to the effects of mountains on climate and vegetation--you've got some very nice rainshadows to the lee of the Inara Forest and the Loranthar Wetlands, which gives the world a deeper degree of realism. This is a textured and intriguing world, and there's more than enough here to draw me in and want to explore. The map is excellent on its own, and this looks like a great setting for novels or a wide-roaming campaign.

I just wouldn't want to lose a book from the Black Library; I have a feeling their overdue policies are downright draconian.