It was just by curiosity, not a request.
I'm sorry, it seems that I misread the question yeah, colorblind people would probably be pretty annoyed by our tutorials, but I don't know of a better way of doing it since we are technically using colours to perform calculations.

So the problem with the missing combinations is: since you used 5 greens instead of 6, you ended up with missing 7 of the temp/rain combinations. The whole 5th row is missing.
That isn't it, I just checked and my photoshop work file has the correct colors.

It seems the problem stems from combining the temperature layers. An odd result in the temperature categories chosen and the biotemperature calculations is that sometimes the biotemperature layer will skip categories, resulting on it skipping biomes.
Untitled-1.png Untitled-1.png

Looking at the raw combined temperature layer it looks like there isn't a way to easily fix the problem, so the solution is gonna have to be manually painting missing temperatures. The problem appears on mountain in the tropic where the temperature maps are very similar and thus generate strong overlapping (such as an area skipping 2 or 3 categories) and in mid latitudes between the second and third categories (seen above).