Well, that's good, because I want to post what I've done today in order to ask for some opinions!

First of all, here are some Celtic knot ideas.
On the right is the first doodle I tried - don't think I'll use that. The other four are designs I found on the Internet. I think I like the third one the best. I would love to hear suggestions for the design, if anybody knows some good ones out there I can look at.

Second thing: I'm done roughing in where I want the buildings. I blocked out their positions as 3D isometric shapes so I can see how they layer together. My current plan is to basically fill in those shapes, putting in peaked roofs at the time I do. Here's a photo with significantly punched-up contrast to make my pencil lines more apparent:
My question for the Guild is this: how should I label the buildings, if at all? I don't think I want to leave space for me to label by hand when I ink in the buildings, because it'll end up looking disproportionately like labels. Another option would be to put in numbers of letters and them have a key - but where do I put the key? The upper right is an obvious choice but I haven't really left myself all that much space, and I kind of want that forest to show through.

Right now I'm kind of leaning toward labeling it digitally, where I can put glows around the text. That might be a little separated for the rest of the style of the map, but it leaves me the option to have it just be a top-down view of the town and river. I think I kind of like the idea of leaving it sparse in terms of text.