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Thread: Map request for 5.0 DnD - Flying Continents and Surface Ruins

  1. #1

    Map Map request for 5.0 DnD - Flying Continents and Surface Ruins

    [Style] Better than what I attached/drew myself - hand drawn appearance is preferable
    [Size] Between 1280x1024 and 1680x1050 (don't fret too much about it, I just need it to fit into Fantasy Grounds)
    [Quality] Rough sketch w/some detail, as if you bought it from an innkeeper who knows the land well
    [Time Constraint] Sometime in May 2016, if possible
    [Copyright] As long as I and others are able to use it, I don't care for legal stuff.

    [Background + Lore]

    Ok, so firstly, the setting. Take the beginning of this world. Originally inhabited by the base world of most DnD ideas - humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons, demons, various halfbreeds and undeads of all fantasy types
    fast forward several hundred years, and you have "The Shattering"
    The crust of the earth shatters, lifting and floating most - if not all land - a third of the way (or so) off the planet's surface
    This leaves you with very little usable land on the "new surface" of the planet, not to mention lots of new breeding areas for the nasty things of the dark. Evil creatures and the like
    One city protected by gods of the alignments of Good and Lawful and its sanctioned large area remained, encircled by a barrier and high climbing wall of the purest white stone, lined with what could be mistaken for a gold trim or elvish engravings, but was actually purest magics
    So now you have a bunch of floating islands, some still connected and massive enough to make continents, some barely enough for a single village or house.

    A "no man's sky" of darkness below

    "The Dark Lands" that covers a large amount of area under the risen surface

    "The Last City (Sanctum)" Which is a big hub for trade, resources, government, and the like

    Give it another 100 years, and you have guilds who roam The Dark Lands for survivors, outcasts, criminals, and other various valuables or evils. A government ran by a council of 11 (each member is a lead of its own race). And enough flying pets or magical enhanced ships to fly from above to below, and back again

    My hopes for those who play my game is to: Stop a cult from smashing the floating continents into the ground - find the origin of The Shattering - stop an internal conflict of the council - find a supposedly extinct race hiding in The Dark Lands - stop a criminal syndicate operating in The Dark Lands and the Flying Continent.

    The excess magic that leaks from the floating continents is condensed and falls into The Dark Lands
    Guilds send men out to collect the murky, shining, slightly yellow-gold crystals, to use in magics for flying ships and personal devices, like lamps or lanterns
    imagine if a large crystal had a hollowed out center, and the inside was filled with the mist that floats off of dry ice
    The crystal rain has killed before, as well.

    "The Last City (Sanctum)"
    Holds all races, who all participate in peacekeeping, religion, education, research, and mercantile efforts. Home to the governing Counsel of Eleven.
    has many hopefuls, runaways, outcasts, dreamers, and hard workers. similar structure to LotR capitals. Considered the current 'center of the world'.
    Since most everywhere is still attempting to recover from massive losses through the last 2-4 centuries, and war is nary ever thought of or considered,
    this city is a hub for all things progress. About the size of NYC - seeing it all would take two or three days of sightseeing. takes an hour brisk walk/jog to get from end to end.

    "Flying Continents"

    -Sernesh (sear nechhhh)- most NE flying 4th biggest, 6 days NE flight
    Mostly desert with a river flowing from NE to SW to the dark lands, the (only) city of Sernesh sits near the SW end alongside the river, HOT A-F
    Home of goblins, some half breeds, some anthromals, and a lot of tinkerers

    -Alanoir (al a nor)- Closest to The last city, 10 min fly west, 2nd biggest
    Entirely darkwood forest, the center housing a large city of Marion - the capital houses Elvish, Tieflings, and the occasional Warforged. Villages and towns are spread throughout.
    Marion is build around a lake that leads NE and drains off into the dark lands

    -Graknok (gr ak knock)- Farthest from Last city, in most SE,part of the mountain still in Dark Lands, 2 and half day flight SE
    Originally a mountain, constantly cold and stormy, has very little hospitable land.
    The dwarves, halflings, and gnomes live within, while the goliaths live (voluntarily) on the mountainside.

    -Baladon (Baal a don)- second closest to Last City, less than a day flight NW, Biggest flyer
    Humans were lucky, their main capital, most of their cities, and much of their fertile land rose together, as one giant hunk of rock. Mainly forest, hills, rivers, and plains
    many a city and village rest here, as well as the Capital - Baladon, for which the continent was named. Holds every race, though not always the kindest to all
    Baladon (the city) is a little more than half the size of The Last City

    -Druidic Islands- topography/temp is by clan
    A spattering of over 100 small parcels of land, all unclaimed and 3 days east of The Last City by flight, the collective druid clans live and train peacefully among themselves

    "The Dark Lands"
    Some actually try to make a living in the Dark, or where continents/countries/land fell back to the earth

    -Terrin- 2 days by horse SW
    Swamplands home to many a foul creature, and some curious folk. No one rules Terrin, but there have been times when the people rose together.
    Hosts the less favorable of the outcasts, scum, and less educated.

    -Trail of Alanoir-
    Small hills or mountains left from when the now flying continent known as Marion first rose to the air. has dead trees, remnants of houses, and rumors of undead
    Stretches for 5 days of horseback to the west of Alanoir

    -Shattered Pass-
    The area between Baladon and Sernesh (the NW and NE) used to be a trade route with many a road, now is a giant (bottomless?) canyon/crevice

    -Shattered Ocean (aka Druid's Tears)-
    after about a day's flight east, the land sinks suddenly into a vast and angry ocean filled with many sea beasts and jagged rocks.
    there's a tale that says the druid's tears of saddness and anguish from losing many brothers and sisters in The Shattering caused this body of water to become such a horror

    -The New Ring-
    A "Last City" sanctioned travel road, guarded and maintained around "The Last City". It has roadsigns and warnings leading in all directions needed by most civilians.
    has 6 roads leading into "The Last City" and one in each cardinal direction leading out from the ring. By foot, it takes about thirty minutes of walking to get to the main part of the ring from the city exits.
    Loops all the way around "The Last City" in a near perfect circle.


    Lastly, THANK YOU! SERIOUSLY! I'm dancing in my chair, even if this doesn't get taken up, thanks for looking! *EDIT* I forgot to mention this is for my birthday DnD game. May 26th.
    Last edited by IceBurnChaos; 02-17-2016 at 03:53 PM. Reason: Looks like I need to change the tag from [Map] to [Post] , but I don't see how.

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