So I have been looking around the net for a map that fits as close to the world map I had back in middle school. the original was sadly lost so I cant share a scan and my personal art skills are trash and a rough sketch will only yield more confusion. However I have a great use of the written word minus misspellings if the creator of the map will needs more then a general description of what I am looking for.


I am sorry that I dont have a scan to share for a rough idea of how I would like this world to look.

The map is of one continent of the this world called Farrim. The land is divided into three segments by mountains and deserts. In the west is the western coalition it has one island nation and a land mass comparable to Europe but not shaped as such the island nation is also cradled in the middle of the western coalition surrounded by a land locked sea.

East of the western coalition is the Divide. It is cut off from the western lands by tall mountains but rivers and passes exist that permit passage. The mountains have one large valley before forming a second lesser barrier that become desert land.

and finally in the east it starts out as a desert with the central region of the desert being plateau land formations. To the north extending out into the eastern sea is mountains with three valley's. To the south is low land hills and fields that extend out in to the ocean. between the two extended land masses is 5 islands one is crescent moon shaped the with the mouth opening toward the open ocean. at the exact middle of these 4 lands is 50 miles of hill lands.

The scale of the map will be approximately 250 miles to the inch.


I am looking for a map to be in This Style of map.

Quality & Size

Would like professional, but will accept semi professional works.
Required for internet use.
Dimensions of map: width: 1620px height: 1104px

Time Constraints

No time limit however I would like it done in at most 2 months.


I wont ask for the rights. However it goes with out saying that I would like to have permission to use the map as I need for online dnd campaigns.

Contact Details

You can contact me at:

Remove --

replace at with @ and b with y

I would like to thank any one considering helping me out in this en-devour as for right now I am using a terrible a map of russia basically... almost any thing will be a direct improvement over what I am currently using.