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Thread: Map Project | City of New Richmond | Top-Down | Mixed Media | WIP

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  1. #1


    Splendid stuff Darcy. I love the integration with Sketchup.
    I think that will make a really awesome piece when you're done.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
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    This is looking great so far, can't wait to see you develop this city in sketchup!


  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected darcycardinal's Avatar
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    Default City of New Richmond | Update 8 | Phase 1 Complete + SKP Work

    City of New Richmond | Update 8 | Phase 1 Complete + SKP Work

    It's complete - Phase I of the City of New Richmond! The last leg of the original nine pages ended with three final sections on the far right. This was probably the easiest section to work on, as there was very few curves or angled streets compared to the other side of the map.

    This last section also contained some new lot types, and experimented with using different types of markers. For as long as I remember, all my maps used Crayola markers for the bulk of the work. The last few pages, specifically the bottom right featured the use of "Prismacolor" felts. The results were okay, but it will take some time to get used to the marker feel.

    Final overview of Phase 1 - The original nine pieces and seed page.

    The last three pages to be complete, the far right of the map.

    Here is a few shots of what the map looks like in real life. The next expansion for New Richmond, phase II, will add 6 more pages to the top and bottom. The map will then be too big to show on my table, so i will need to get creative for future photo shoots!

    A few additional close ups of the new map sections. The Prismacolor felt markers add a real nice touch to the map, better colors and shades are available with this brand. The big downside is that the cost of these markers is very high, and uneconomical to use on a large scale. These markers will be used for special lots, parks, and adding a small amount of detail to lots.

    Darcy Cardinal

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected darcycardinal's Avatar
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    Default Sketchupdate 1 - Texture time!

    Sketchupdate 1 - Texture time!

    In addition to the usual map uploads, I have decided to start Sketchup updates of the 3D design side of the map work. The recent purchase of a decent laptop has enabled me to create some sweet models in SKP. Today, I worked on the textures, as the eventual plan is to 3D'ize New Richmond (at least the first 9 pages).

    The biggest challenge now is to create the initial lots, components, textures, and measurements to be used for the entire map. In the previous SKP shots, I noticed the buildings were out of proportion of what real buildings are like, and that now was the best time to make changes.
    Buildings are lower to reflect the new floor height changes.

    Textures are coming along nicely, additional shading to be added.

    This is essentially a narrow row house block, with one apartment.

    The blue lines in the maps are just the outline of the buildings.

    That are now almost all fully textured and shaded.

    Additional dimension information - yep, they are small buildings!

    I'm not too sure how much detail I will be including in each lot, however, textures are the biggest addition in my opinion. How much of the map that will be imported into Sketchup depends also on how much my laptop can handle. Already these one section alone took lots of time to plan out. The one beauty of having a grid layout and familiar lot types is that once a base amount of buildings are designed, its just a matter of copy and pasting, with some extra work on parks and such.

    Last but not least, here is a small animation with the end product so far!

    Thanks for the comments!

    Darcy Cardinal

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Small residential blocks indeed! What is the depth?
    And I second J.Edward, it's looking very good.

  7. #7
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected darcycardinal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    Small residential blocks indeed! What is the depth?
    And I second J.Edward, it's looking very good.
    Thanks, the depth of these lots is 12.65 meters and 4 meters wide. They are small, but these lots do exist, I have seen them in use in Vancouver, and there is even smaller lots than this.

  8. #8
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
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    Not generally my favorite type of cartography, but that looks great! Especially since it is by hand. You must have some extreme patience and precision doing those city blocks by hand. That stuff with sketchup also looks nice. Great job.

  9. #9


    By DarcyCardinal
    They are small, but these lots do exist, I have seen them in use in Vancouver, and there is even smaller lots than this.
    Yep, I know. I may be wrong but I believe there are some very small residential lots in some asian cities (like Tokyo or Hong Kong).

  10. #10
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected darcycardinal's Avatar
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    City of New Richmond | Update 9 | Phase 2 Started + Sketchup Import Has Begun

    Good afternoon guild! Today I am announcing two important updates into one - Phase II map expansion has started and importing of the City into Sketchup has begun.

    It took an insane long time to get both parts planned and executed. First, I had to lay out all the streets for the new pages, and also align them to the existing map sections. It is something I don't like doing, but its a necessary thing to do when expanding on an existing map.
    Phase II of expansion adds three pages to both the top and bottom.

    I have begun the process of adding more color to the maps, with Prismacolor markers.

    Better color means the maps will stand out better.

    The second part of importing into Sketchup took just as long, plus some. Major tinkering with the maps and models had to be done to get them to work in Sketchup. At first, the map textures were too big, then the models didn't want to do units correctly. However, it looks like all the work has paid off, as shown in the pictures below.
    An overview of the maps, second pic with dimensions

    The downtown area is first to be modeled in Sketchup.

    An outlining area is also being worked on!

    I am not quite sure how much modeling I will be doing on the maps as well as how much detail. However, the downtown core will surely be the one thing that will be modeled in greater detail, and will show the scale of the overall project. The maps will also be shown in Sketchup, as a "fly out" shot, instead of in my dinning room, as the map is too big for my table!
    Thanks for the comments!

    Darcy Cardinal

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