It turned out great! The snow and ruined cities both look good. You are doing some fabulous work, keep it up.
Another commission piece for the same world as the Lightbay map I posted last month.
This was a big challenge for me because I had almost no experience with snow or ruined cities prior to this. Here I had to do both, which was a great learning exercise . Some things turned out good, others less good. But overall I'm happy and think I managed the perspective I was going for better then in the previous map
Feedback much appreciated!
Baystol final HD s.jpg
It turned out great! The snow and ruined cities both look good. You are doing some fabulous work, keep it up.
Excellent Both of the experiments worked out wonderfully. One thing: these ovals you often do with the cities, while gorgeous, obscure a lot of land. Have you tried drawing these off the coast, with perhaps arrows pointing to their locations?
It's probably just the contrast against the bright white of the snowy areas, but your colours seem quite bold in this map (well, compared to the paler palettes that you often use). I like the brighter tones a lot. They really 'pop' off the page. The cities are beautifully drawn and the whole map is quite beautiful! Hope I can rep.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
I gotta say, this map makes me want to play a game of Dungeons and Dragons in that world. I love your art style and the way you draw your terrain and buildings and...well, everything! Awesome job sir!
Absolutely stunning artwork as usual Tainotim!
Another amazing work from you tainotim, congrats!
Seems I rep you too much, I cant do it now, but take it as if I did
I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus
A very nice map (more contrasted than usual). I agree with lingon about the ovals though.