Welcome to the Guild Arrant! I'm glad to see that you decided to take the plunge into map-making yourself. For a first attempt this turned out very nicely
The colors are great and the mountains look like mountains.
I do have a few bits of constructive criticism for you. First, you have a large river which spans the entire lower continent. Apart from intelligent intervention (i.e. in the form of say carving out a canal) rivers do not do this. There is a helpful thread
here if you'd like to read up more about the do's and don'ts of creating rivers.
Second, the contrast between hills and valleys is pretty stark. This is probably due to the cloud pattern. Though it may be too late to correct in the current piece, in future maps I'd recommend spending more time blending the land cloud layer, covering over these areas of contrast a bit more so that they are not so stark.
Third, it may just be my monitor, but the sea looks really dark, almost black. A lighter hue might help.
That said you ought to be proud of what you've accomplished here! Great work.