A Masterful piece Carnifax! One to be proud of.
It's looking glorious!
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
A Masterful piece Carnifax! One to be proud of.
This batch of labels is very nice. There is a good balance of One minor thing might be parentheses around "Blue Mountains" as it is the translation of "Ered Luin" (just as "Brandywine" is the translation of "Baranduin". And you seem to be one W short on the URL in the lower right corner. And "Nundalf" should be "Nindalf" (I do recommend continuing to leave off the comedic mannish translation of "Wetwang").
Other than those minor label quibbles, I find the style of river used here, while attractive, tends to make the map look flat to me. I've never been able to come up with a way to consolidate the river and ocean elements on a map without making one or the other look off, though. The mountains are also nicely done!
One mountain label change that might be nice would be to take the "Ered Nimrais" label that's across the mountains from Helm's Deep and stretch it down the length of the mountains between Edoras and Minas Tirith using the style of the "MISTY MOUNTAINS" label (if you want to translate it to "WHITE MOUNTAINS" at the same time or add it as a translation, that might be nice, too).
Now I'm just starting to project my wants onto the map and that's hardly appropriate.
Interesting! I have been giving some thought about this. I do not really understand what you mean by "flat". Do you have any examples of river styles that look better? I added beveling and a slight green tint to the land. Also a faint line. Other examples greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Carnifex; 02-29-2016 at 04:55 AM.
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The reason that it looks flat to me is that using the same treatment on the oceanic coastline and river edges makes me want to believe that the rivers and ocean are all at one height. It's a stylistic thing having to do with the width of the rivers and edge treatment more than anything. I know that rivers and coastlines are the different, but the snot-nosed little goblin that runs my perceptual system sees the same treatment of coastline and rivers and then keeps shouting "FLAT!" It's probably one of those idiosyncratic things where my peculiar brand of brain damage makes me see things not-quite-like other people.
Like I said, though, I haven't ever been able to come up with a way to make wide rivers look good on a map. A stroked river just wouldn't carry the same visual weight in the drawing. Maybe lessening the weight of the bevel on the river a little would help. I do understand that it would be a tough job if you're using the same boundary for river and coastline. Maybe reducing the bevel intensity gradually along the river length? I really am not sure what would keep the pop of the bevel, but would satisfy that little bugger in my head.
Thanks for the imput. I got an idea.
Note: You can not know but i have an actual quite severe brain damage to my visual cortex.
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Yes, I am using the same coastline for the sea and the rivers. I cannot lower the opacity of the rivers as this would cause other effects. I have tried to lower the bevel a little bit. I am not totally sure it's a big problem either - or look very strange - I even think it looks quite good - but I understand what you mean. maybe I could somehow fix so the coastline got some kind of line effect (which is kind of cool now in PS).... I probably won't have more time to work more on this right now - but a good project for sleepless nights
Last edited by Carnifex; 02-29-2016 at 09:27 AM.
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thanks for your corrections Waldonate! I made some last (?) changes. Changed the coastline a bit. Added white mountain label, added Nindalf swamp, added Rauros etc etc.
And thanks everyone for the comments and praise!
### Winner ###
Last edited by ChickPea; 08-26-2018 at 10:32 AM. Reason: Added Winner tag
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My finished maps: here
Love the bevelled river banks, Carni! Such a beautiful map in all respects!