Quote Originally Posted by Anna Robinson View Post
can you take us through a little on how you made it and what tools you used? thanks
I used Painter program, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. The reasons being certain tools give better control in different applications.

For example, Painter has better natural brushes, using fractal based formulas, compared to Photoshop's pixel based repeating patters.

Painter also has a better object nozzle, which is great for things like trees. I can draw 10-15 different trees, make a nozzle brush, set the variance ranges (size scale, tilt shift), and then paint in the trees. I can then go and tweak things afterwards.

The base of the world, I mostly did in Painter and then took into Photoshop to tweak the colors, because Photoshop does that better and easier.

I created various icons in Illustrator, so they would be vector based, and I could experiment with size, without losing definition. And then brought them into InDesign.

I'm using InDesign for the text, because it gives you better control for text. And it's easier to organize.

I worked many years as a production artists for publishing (I still temp now and then at Tor Books, and Orbit Books), so my process might be a bit more involved then need be.