Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
Nice Map, have some rep!
Thank you!
Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
Nice! I like it!
Thank you, too!

Quote Originally Posted by snodsy View Post
Really nice job Wired. Looks beautiful, love your forests and the different, yet complimentary, types. The Clouds sitting in the mountain valleys are really a nice touch, as is the green coloring up the rivers. (I've been doing that on mine lately as well.)

For the most part the City Icons sit really nicely into the landscape, maybe accentuate the shadows on the ground more to tie them into the setting. Wish there was a little more variety though.
Even more symbol variety? ...you do realize I already have 26 different location symbols, do you?
Not quite sure of the shadows/highlights on the mountains a little muddy at the peak sometimes - not a clear delineation.
The shadows aren't very much accentuated, it seems. I'll look into that. The rest seems to be a combination of the textures I've overlaid over the map and the lower quality and resolution of the uploaded map sample.
This is one of my recent favorites, really nice job. Have some reps, if I can
I', very glad you like it, snodsy.