@designbot, I JUST sent you an email right before I saw your post on here... full res versions will be available at the end. I will upload to my google drive. Be advised, I am making these PRIMARILY for digital use, but I will do my best to size some versions for print. I just tested a resize up to a 1 inch grid and this first piece of map that I have done so far is 66.35 in x 100.1 in. @ 100 ppi. I sized that based off of Jon Roberts suggestions on his site here. I saved this test run as a tif, but most printers should be able to handle that.

As for lighter or darker... I personally LIKE the dark stone, BUT it may be TOO dark once I get to the interior and start adding details and such... either way, it's a simple color overlay that I can remove for those that might prefer one over the other. Once this project is done I will put together all the maps in some nice orderly fashion with variations and such available.

Thanks for the feedback! Stay tuned, more to come!!!