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Thread: WIP : Haerlech

  1. #221
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Greg's Avatar
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    Jan 2016
    South West England


    EVen though I've only been here a short while, I literally have no clue how I managed to miss this project of this magnitude. It looks fantastic already, and I look forwards to seeing more of it!

  2. #222


    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    Well, I admire your dedication to this map, and the effort you've put in really does show. And +1 on planning your map in advance. This is an important point. I've fallen into the trap of winging it a few times, and it doesn't usually end well.
    Yep, it makes a big difference. It's more fun to just start working but it does take longer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    This is truly fantastic, well worth the dedication put into it.
    Thanks Falconius

    I am still working on this one. It's just at a slow pace.
    I'm doing the border work at the moment, then all the labeling.
    I might do some additional maps with the city sections and more in depth labeling, once the main map is done.
    Always an issue of what time will permit.

  3. #223


    Quote Originally Posted by GLS View Post
    EVen though I've only been here a short while, I literally have no clue how I managed to miss this project of this magnitude. It looks fantastic already, and I look forwards to seeing more of it!
    Hah, I got ninja'd and I didn't even notice that.
    Sorry about that GLS. I just saw your comment.
    Thanks so much. Yes, this is a long one. I'll be happy and sad to be done with it.
    It's been running off and on for over a year now.

  4. #224
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
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    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


    Wow... That is just wow. :O Stunning, magnificent, breathtaking and anything else I can throw at it.

    Must be one of my all time favorite city maps.

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

  5. #225
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Lingon's Avatar
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    Dec 2012


    Wow, I just noticed this one, can't believe I've missed it! It's glorious. The city layout, the color scheme, the countryside, I love it! Your style remins me of Ghibli movies, which is awesome It's a little hard to say where the lightsource is meant to be, and I think it is because you only have one two shades on the roof, a lit and a shadowed side. If you'd further (slightly) darken the sides facing directly away from the light, it'd make it easier to identify the light direction, as well as add a little more contrast to the city part. A reaction I slowly arrived at after staring at the map in wonder for a while

  6. #226
    Guild Member SrgDark's Avatar
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    Mar 2016


    Love this map man. Amazing stuff, real inspiring to see it grow and flourish.

  7. #227


    Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
    Wow... That is just wow. :O Stunning, magnificent, breathtaking and anything else I can throw at it.

    Must be one of my all time favorite city maps.
    Thanks so much Josiah I'm slowly working at completing this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lingon View Post
    Wow, I just noticed this one, can't believe I've missed it! It's glorious. The city layout, the color scheme, the countryside, I love it! Your style remins me of Ghibli movies, which is awesome It's a little hard to say where the lightsource is meant to be, and I think it is because you only have one two shades on the roof, a lit and a shadowed side. If you'd further (slightly) darken the sides facing directly away from the light, it'd make it easier to identify the light direction, as well as add a little more contrast to the city part. A reaction I slowly arrived at after staring at the map in wonder for a while
    Thanks Lingon That is an awesome compliment. I love the backgrounds in Ghibli productions
    I'll have to look back at the light and shadow. It's been a while since I did that work.
    Yeah, there's only 1 shade for shadow and 1 for light.
    In smaller pieces I have used differing tones for both light and shadow, but in one this large I did simplify a bit.
    Quote Originally Posted by SrgDark View Post
    Love this map man. Amazing stuff, real inspiring to see it grow and flourish.
    Thanks SrgDark

  8. #228
    Guild Journeyer Eld's Avatar
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    Although the others gave you all the praise you deserve for this gracious work, I want to add my own.
    This map is inspiring and wonderful, especially the detailed countryside as well as the seaside add much to the vividness. To see the several stages of the work was instructive and increases my awe for your hard work. Though I love that style, I won't use it for my own projects as I'm sure that I lack the skills needed for it. Can't wait for the labelling.

    As for your doubts about the terracotta style of the roofs: I think they're perfectly right for the average houses. Maybe some of the special buildings would look great with some kind of bronze roofing. It'd give them the highlighting they deserve.

    I'm also a great fan of your ship depictions. Never thought that they could be drawn in that perspective looking so well.
    Last edited by Eld; 03-29-2016 at 07:27 AM.

  9. #229


    Excellent work JE. I really admire your dedication, also I love the line work on the hillsides, so good! I am not sure if it came up, but did you pen tool all of the buildings, or were they free hand, or a combo of both?

  10. #230
    Guild Artisan Tom's Avatar
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    Firenze, Italy


    I thought I had already commented, but I didn't!! my bad..
    This map goes beyond awesome! the effort you put into it is great, is so full of tiny details!
    The roofs, the ships, the fields.. I love the bright colors, and the way you painted the vegetation is incredible!! I have never drawn a top-down map like this, but you inspired me to do!
    I don't know what else to say, except a big BRAVO!

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