Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Haha, yeah, you better watch your back! Back in the deeps of time the French & Scottish had what's known (in Scotland) as the 'Auld Alliance', so me & Max are natural allies. If you're growing coconuts anywhere, you better fortify your borders.
Our security information bureau will have to keep an eye on these southern lands... and their dubious alliances.
Quote Originally Posted by Lingon View Post
Nice start, ally I like the way you drew the rivers. To make sure that our border river lines up, maybe I should leave the border a bit undefined on my map, so you can use yours as the definite border when piecing it all together? Probably won't have time to start before Tuesday but happy to knock around old war stories
It's okay to do it as you please Lingon
I just want people to have fun with this. The more details they have to worry about, seems like the less fun they'll have.
Editing stuff once we're all done is not a big deal. I'm planning on putting funny little bits on Max's kingdom, that I'm sure won't match up with what he chooses to do.
I'm looking at it like I'm a country with deep suspicions regarding those across the sea, because we fought a huge war, the Fromage War, over who owns certain cheesy islands between us.
Maybe some other ridiculous story lines will pop up as people start talking about it all.

I figured you and I were allies against the pernicious southern territories. We'll have to see if Tonnichiwa wants to be an ally or an enemy.
That said, you don't have to be an ally by default... if you want to be an enemy... but you're out there... all alone... on the edge of the world...
You need friends. Friends who can help with trade and other mercantile things of importance to your citizenry.

I still have a bunch of story to come up with. Still can't decide if I want to commit to Nahadua as the name or not. It definitely doesn't sound english or european in nature...
I'm working the land a bit to see if that helps to determine some things about this land and its people.