Your city guards start shifting nervously, sweat beads rolling down their faces as they observe the approach of a very large entourage of massive bipedal creatures that stand like a man but have huge hairy bodies, cloven hooves for feet, and massive shoulders with a bulls head sitting between them. They dress in a full bronze breastplate that is fashioned to look like the muscles of the human body, and each wears a helmet with a crest of black and white contrasting colors in stripes. There are spaces in the helmet for the horns to fit through and each bull headed warrior carries a short bladed sword, a very large shield with primitive looking symbols on it, some in the shape of a V, some in the shape of a Medusa head, and even one with a large ant on it. They all carry very long pikes as well.

They all walk up to the city gate and finally part. When they do your city guards see a palanquin being carried by four of the bull headed creatures. Each one kneels down so the human on the palanquin can step down and approach. The human is wearing armor similar to the bull headed creatures, only his face is almost completely obscured by a full faced helm with a tiny bit coming straight down the nose. He pulls his helmet off and approaches the gate.

"Greetings gate keeper. Please tell your master that the General of the left flank wishes to parley with him about an alliance. We have brought these items as a gift for his royal majesty." The general motions for another human to come forward. This man is dressed in a simple looking white tunic that is short right to above the knees and has a blue repeating pattern surrounding the edge. In his hands he carries a very large tray of multiple kinds of cheese, each one representing different sections of the land from the north.