Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
I laid out lands in the west but didn't show them since we have all the lands filled right now.
Those land masses are bigger than islands though, as I wanted any newcomers to have a decent country to map.
But if we don't have anyone else ask to join then I'll do up some proper islands for that area.

Il Mareus Kase - half gibberish
Mare - sea this is Latin for sea, Mer - french for sea, Mareus - nice proximity to real word
Kase - cheese [or close to it] caseus - latin, queso - spanish, caise - scots-gaelic, kase - german [as you know ]
Il... well, just a twist on el, le, la, etc...

Munnen is the Mouth in swedish, for Lingon and Saer - just a mashup of sea and mare

I try to avoid too much straight english if the setting seems to be non-english
Yeah, more of a "gibberish" composition, not totally made up ofc. But it's a fun idea for a creolic "lingua franca" of the whole continent, having bits and pieces of all the languages mashed up.

For the islands in the west, i just thought about this iconic picture here
You've already done so much for this awesome project John (thank you so much, really enjoying it!), so it was just a not too serious idea.