Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
Haha!...great story. Well, if you are keeping the current map then it'll be great to see how it works out.
Thanks Tonnichiwa It's progressing. Update down below...
Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
That was hilarious. You're a great writer.

Maybe I'll need help from the 16 Duchies before things get out of hand, I may have an alliance forming there.

P.S. I don't know why they'd bring a whole army just to sign a peace treaty...
I used to write a lot - poetry stuff, short stories, myths, fairy tales... could never bring myself to keep at it long enough for something like a novel
Maybe a collection of short stories, fairy tales, myths, legends and the odd novella

That was what all of the Luma stuff was for... is for... the tales of Luthien Crabnuckel - Delver, Seeker, Traveller
But that's another story, on another world, in another time...
Back here on Guildworld...I have an update from last night that I forgot to post.
A bit more on the terrain. Still tweaking the tone of the shadows. Seems too dark on mountains, but just right on other areas.
### LATEST WIP ###
Guild World Map - JEd country 05 - update09.jpg