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Thread: Map 32 - The Maucland Confederacy

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    Well, so far I have been mostly naming things and playing with styles:

    But now that I've solidified my nation's place in the world a bit more, here is my...

    ### LATEST WIP ###
    The Maucland Confederacy is an association of four states populated by a mix of native peoples and colonists from other lands. The people are peaceful and industrious; active as traders, fishers, and craftspeople. The isle of Maucland is supports enough agriculture to make the people self-sufficient, but they eagerly trade with partners near and far. Mauclanders have always been adventurous types and their oldest trading partner is Janantara Elubor a thousand miles away. Valuable local commodities include the fascinating mystic opals found below the Spine Range that crosses Maucland from north to south, and the uniquely practical shipwrights of Allaine have been known to provide long-lasting boats to many a foreign trader.
    Last edited by jshoer; 04-05-2016 at 10:40 PM.

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